15:Straight Out Out Of The Gate Pt. 2

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It probably had to do with the fact he had lost weight since starting U.A. Honestly no weight loss plan had ever worked as well as hero school. 10/10 would recommend. 

As he began dozing off in his seat, he felt eyes on him. Blinking he looked over his shoulder and met eyes with Mr. Aizawa. 

"You haven't eaten anything yet." The teacher said bluntly. It wasn't a question or even just a statement, it was kind of a threat. 

"Not hungry." Taiya lied, trying his best to look a little pale. "I'm feeling a little sick from the nerves. Iida's not an easy opponent.". 

Aizawa seemed to buy the nerves bit, but the Iida part was pushing it. The teacher must have realized, maybe even before Taiya, that he was stronger than his opponent. 

"Stage fright." Taiya mumbled sadly. Aizawa nodded at that. 

"Eat after then.". With that the teacher left. 

'Over my dead body' The teen thought to himself. 

"Match number six everybody! Standing on the field right now is class 1-A's Iida Tenya and his opponent, also from class 1-A, Tachibana Yuka!!!" Mic shouted into the already loud microphone. The crowd roared with cheers, and a familiar wave of happiness passed over Taiya. 

They weren't cheering for him, at least not in the way people usually did, but it was familiar all the same. 

He felt more whole with that many eyes on him. 

"Alright you two, play nice, fight fair and do your absolute best!" Midnight called out, turned to both of them and waiting until she received a nod before continuing. "Ready...one, two, three-GO!". 

The instant the words were spoken Iida rushed Taiya, using his faster acceleration speed to get at him. Luckily, Taiya's reflexes stopped him being run over like an unfortunate bit of roadkill. 

Iida turned to face him. "Do not be cowardly and dodge." He threatened, his tone low.  

Involuntarily Taiya's claws extended. He was annoyed by the other boy's arrogance.  

Iida charged him again, even faster this time. Taiya dodged and grabbed Iida's arm, stopping him suddenly. His head jerked forwards and Taiya felt his classmate's arm nearly dislocate under his hand. 

Taiya didn't stop there though, making sure to dig his claws into Iida's already injured shoulder. 

The moment his classmate cried out in pain, he felt his heart drop. He had completely gone on autopilot. 

Iida used the opportunity to sweep Taiya's feet out from under him, but he managed to land on them again. Because of the whole-he already established this once. 

They began fighting melee style, hand to hand. It was both of their preferred fighting styles. Iida got several good kicks in, and Taiya's blocks and deflections could only redirect so much of the force behind them. 

He landed some hits and scratches too. Mori's techniques, although they had only been the basics, were useful. Fool proof. Taiya would have to remember to get Mori to show him even more. 

Taiya yanked Iida close to him and kneed him in the crotch, which was a low blow but necessary because his left arm really hurt after that drop kick. He wouldn't be able to use it too much anymore. 

Iida tried to go for a headbutt, Taiya dodged to the side, throwing Iida away from his body and to the ground in the process. 

At least two of his claws pierced through his shoes, completely ruining them. 

Sometimes Taiya forgot that with all the teeth and claws he was the human equivalent of a baseball bat with a nail through it. 

Iida pushed himself back up but Taiya smirked triumphantly and kicked him back down, poking him with his foot just enough for him to feel the claws underneath. Taiya's opponent drew a sharp breath. 

He grabbed Taiya's ankle but he lacked the same base strength and leverage that Taiya had. The actor pushed back and suddenly grabbed both the boy's ankles, ignoring how hot the metal portions were, so he could chuck his classmate out of the ring. 

Then he realized something. He wasn't supposed to be winning. 

"Hit me." He whispered beneath the mask. Iida shot him a confused expression and took advantage of Taiya's sudden distraction, using his engines to blast some small flames at Taiya, burning his hand. The teen jerked back and Iida shot up. 

They went back to hand to hand, but Iida could tell Taiya wasn't trying as hard. And it wasn't his injuries, he was just being lax on purpose. 

He blinked and suddenly Taiya was in his face, close enough to fluster him slightly. "I said hit me." The boy whispered harshly. 

Iida's body moved without another thought and he landed a hit right on Taiya's temple. 

The boy fell to the ground instantly, playing 'dead' so convincingly that paramedics were immediately in the ring. 

Iida was declared the winner as Taiya was rushed off the field, a subtle, relieved smile on his face. 


I want to use Taiya's ability to convincingly play dead so often but there aren't enough opportunities. 

Also Aizawa is not gonna be happy about how Taiya treats himself, especially seeing this. 

I want to spoil everything so badly ugghhhh 

Why do I do this to myself? Like I chose this. I decided to make it a double and not a triple update because 'ooh pace yourself don't overwhelm the readers' but like whyyyyyy

Brb gonna go complain to myself about myself. Not that it'll accomplish anything considering I'm the one who got myself in this situation in the first place. 

Existential crisis aside, how are you guys doing? How were your weekends?

 I had a blast personally. Like I'm very mentally ill but haunted houses in summer fix things for me, you know? 

Also sorry if you have a question between like now and tomorrow because I am exhausted and going to sleep 😅

Goodnight and stay tuned 

Smoke And Mirrors (BNHA x Male OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora