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The sun rose upon the Agents of Shield base in the outskirts of New York, blaring a bright beam against my window. I opened my eyes, a groan running from my lips as I sat up. I stretched my arms, feeling every muscle crack in my body. I huffed, about ready to stand up until I heard the door open. I immediately turned towards the source of the sound, the objects around me lifting up, ready to attack.

My husband Quinn was in the doorway with a mug of coffee and cereal, looking completely terrified.

I took a sigh of relief before the objects that was a cup, a knife and a broom fell to the floor.

"You should knock before you come in, you know this." I stated walking towards him.

"I'm sorry I'm still not used to all of this." Quinn replied with a chuckle before walking in. He placed my breakfast on the table before turning towards me. "Coulson wants you to continue to practice before noon today."

I sighed walking over to him staring in his green eyes. "Can I just rest today?"

Quinn chuckled, wrapping his arms around me bringing me in his embrace. "I afraid not, Mrs. Rhodes."

"Damn, was hoping for a yes." I joked.

Quinn laughed and gave me a passionate kiss. He pulled away before walking towards the doorway. "Now eat up, you know how these people don't like waiting."

I shook my head before walking over my meal before stopping to look at myself in the mirror. My silver hair was still a mess from last night sleep, but my eyes were glowing grey like a full moon.

I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee.

My name is Lilith Rhodes, or as people remember me as Lilith Grey. You have heard of my story with Kilgrave, a mutant with mind control powers. I have survived three incidents with him, and I'm hoping that there would be no more. Last time I stabbed him in the heart over in a dream, and I never saw him since. But a part of me still feels his presence, even if I don't see him. I'm not sure whether it was the trauma or my mind is just used to it, but I am not willing to go deeper into this thought.

After I left Jessica Jones and the other Defenders, Quinn made contact with Paul Coulson to have us live here and learn my newly found powers. I agreed and me and Quinn later wed. It seems like a promising life. I hope.

After eating my breakfast and getting dressed, I made my way down the hallway into the practice room, where I saw Agent Coulson there, waiting for me.

"You are five minutes late, Agent Rhodes." Coulson stated, pointing at his watch.

"I'm sorry I was just overthinking again." I replied.

"You did say you killed Kilgrave. He is gone, there is nothing to worry about." Coulson said.

I sighed and crossed my arms. I nodded.

"Good, now you may begin your practice. Just like last time." Coulson ordered.

I nodded before walking towards the pile of daggers on the floor, meters away from three targets.

I sighed before closing my eyes.

Let loose, Lilith.

I opened my eyes and lifted my hands up, the daggers levitating all around me, shining in the fluorescent light. I moved my hands in a flick motion before the daggers flew towards the targets, hitting many various lines of the targets. I huffed gently before finally landing my final daggers at the three bullseyes.

I stood there huffing away before turning back to Agent Coulson who was watching the whole thing.

"You have improved I can tell you that much." He said. "But you still need to go deep into focus and not let your mind go sway."

I nodded at his critique and watched as he walked out of the practice room.

As I was heading to walk out I felt someone was watching me. I looked up at the high rails and saw another agent looking at me. I knew who she was. Daisy Johnson.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked as I smiled at her.

"Maybe." She said before jumping down on the ground, making the floor shake a bit. "You have been doing great."

I shook my head chuckling. "Not to Caulson I'm not."

"But you are." Daisy replied before patting my shoulder. "I can see it everyday. You just need to let go of the past."

"But the past is why I can do this." I put my finger up and a dagger levitated next to me.

Daisy looked at it before turning towards me. "I know, but we know who has been lingering in there."

I nodded gently before letting the dagger drop. I walked over to the door and turned back at her. "Maybe." I said before walking out of the practice room.

I sighed gently before I walked down into the main area where all of the Agents of Shield were. I noticed everyone was looking at the screen where they saw all of the reports on. I frowned walking up next to Quinn and next to Agent Fitz.

I read the news headline.


I froze and I looked around the area and held Quinn's hand, squeezing it.

"It's going to be fine, it is just weird.." Quinn said.

"Or something we dealt with before." I muttered.

"Guys, we are trying to watch this." Fitz said next to me giving me a knowing look.

I crossed my arms and watched the tv.

"There has been seven suicides in the last hour and NYPD is on the case." the reporter said. "When they arrived at the scene of the attack on top of the Melrose Hotel they saw one message in blood on the floor."

The camera panned out of the newsroom to the floor of the suicide scene. And on the floor written in blood, it read the horrid words I would never believe in my wildest dreams.


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