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a/n sorry for not uploading just didn't know what to write 

interviewer: your daughter , has she started dating yet? cause that's young

Y/N: no no no no

interviewer: is she not into boys yet is she still like ehh

Y/N yeah but i feel sorry for , i mean it's gonna be fun when the boy does arrive

Y/N : my daughter she's wonderful but she's dating a little bit i know it's a healthy thing she is wonderful sweet and responsible but i uhh i hate it i hate it 

interviewer: you saying there isn't one guy who you've thought ahh he's alright he's cool

Y/N: well no not even close nope 

some aou cast on a panel and fans ask questions 

fan: this is for all of you would you rather have loyalty or love?

rdj: love 

Chris e: loyalty

Chris h: love

Scarlett: love

Jermey: love  

Aaron: loyalty 

mark: loyalty 

Paul b: love

Elizabeth: love 

y/n: i'd rather have loyalty than love cause love really don't mean jack see love is just a feeling you can love somebody and still stab them in their back it don't really take much to love you can love someone just by being attached see loyalty is a action you can love me or hate me and still have my back 

fan: is this cause you and Elziabeth just broke up 

y/n: no 

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