Chapter 10: Sander Who?

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"Well, this is more boring than I thought." Takara said while slumping over and walking slowly.

"Takara, look!" Azurai yelled as he pointed to a slowly appearing dirt path.

In the distance a town could be seen with people walking through the dense streets.

"Finally! People!" Takara said while running towards the town, "Maybe I could buy myself some attention from the opposite sex!" She yelled.

"She is really weird." Azurai said to himself while running after her into the town.

As Azurai and Takara neared the town they were mesmerized by the dense crowds of people walking through.

"So, we're supposed to find one guy in this place?" Takara asked.

"Yep, sadly we do have to find a guy in this place." Azurai answered as Takara groaned.

"My god! Please!" Takara yelled as she faced the sky as the crowd stared at her. "Hey, my bad. We're just having some issues." Takara explained as the crowd went back to their activities.

"Maybe don't be weird, Takara." Azurai said while Takara and him walked through the crowd.

"Aight.", Takara said in a deadpan tone.

"Wow, how inspiring." Azurai said in a mocking tone, "Wait, Takara, who is that?" Azurai said while looking and pointing at a man in a white suit and white coat leaning against a raman shop.

"Yeah, who is that?" Takara asked while they were walking up to him.

"Hello sir, who are you?" Azurai asked.

"Well, I have a question for you first.", the man asked, "Do you believe in freedom?"

(Hope y'all enjoyed book 1, we have a Discord join in for context for shit

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