Chapter 7: Trinco Training

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Takara woke up in the F.U. HQ, she did everything she would do on a normal day, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, flossed, and got breakfast. She walked into the cafeteria and went through the line of people there for the same thing, food. After minutes of waiting she got to the lunch ladies who gave her her food, as she looked around the lunch room she saw Nowari looking down at her food before eating it. Takara walked over and spoke to Nowari.

"Hey Nowari, how have you been since yesterday?" She said to Nowari.

"I've been doing fine, but you looked like you didn't want to talk to me." Nowari stated "Is there something you want?" Nowari asked.

"There's nothing I want, I just don't want bad blood between us." Takara responded to Nowari.

"Well, I guess you got over that fast." Nowari said in a playful tone that evolved into a laugh.

"I guess I did." Takara said through a laugh.

As they both laughed in the cafeteria, all of the Freedom Union looked at them strangely, as Takara slowly sat down.

"So Nowari, remember when you promised to train me in Trinco yesterday?" Takara asked Nowari.

"Yeah I do remember. Wait, don't tell me that's what you wanted from me!" Nowari yelled at Takara.

"Wait, wait, that's not why I came over here. I really did get over it, I was just wondering if you could teach me?" Takara asked Nowari.

"Y'know what, fine, I'll teach you, since you're a newbie and yesterday was your first day, today's your day off, and since I'm your partner, so in addition it's my day off too." Nowari said.

"Good! So when do we train?" Takara asked with starry eyes.

"After lunch of course, obviously." Nowari said to Takara as she shoveled food into her mouth.

After lunch they both walked to the dojo in the F.U. HQ, to train their Trinco.

"Well Takara, this is where you're gonna learn how to bring out your Trinco." Nowari said to Takara as she sat on the dojo floor and started meditating.

"What are you doing Nowari?" Takara asked.
"Meditating, this is how you bring out your Trinco. Come on and sit down, meditate with me." Nowari said in response to Takara.

Takara sat down and meditated next to Nowari.

"What you have to do is just relax and sit just like this." Nowari said to Takara.

Takara closed her eyes and followed Nowari's instructions. She starts to relax, she lets herself go numb. But in that same moment Takara remembers what Nowari is capable of without regret. Takara opens her eyes in shock and looks distressed, and looks over at Nowari, who looks peaceful.

Then she thought. "Maybe, I shouldn't be too harsh with my thoughts on her."

Then she closes back her eyes, and relaxes again, and thinks about how she got here. Nowari then opens her eyes and looks over at Takara, she sees a slight white glow around Takara and looks proud of her. Takara opens her eyes, and looks over at Nowari.

"What, why are you looking at me like that?" Takara asks Nowari.

"You're doing it... you're releasing Trinco energy!" Nowari yells.

"I-I am?" Takara asks

"Yeah, good job Takara!" Nowari says to Takara.

"So how about we get to how to put it into combat-" Nowari says before being cut off by a member of the Freedom Union.

"Nowari, forget your day off, you got a mission. It's gonna take a while." The F.U. Member says.

"Really!? Can I get someone to train Takara in Trinco at least?" Nowari asks the Member.

"Yeah, yeah. Just anyone?" The Member asks.

"No, I want Azzy to do it." Nowari responds.

"Aight, whatever you say." He says while mumbling to another F.U. Member that walks to get someone.

"Wait Nowari, who's Azzy?" Takara while tilting her head to the side.

"He's a friend of mine, call him Azurai." Nowari says before walking off.

"Well, that doesn't give much explanation. Wait, isn't he one of the finest that Enuma was talking about or something?" Takara says as a man with blue hair, purple eyes, and a suit walks in.

"Hello there, I'm guessing you're the one that Nowari told me to train?" The man asked while walking in. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Azurai. What's yours?"

"Well, my name's Takara," She said,"so, what do we do now?" She asks.

"Well, I was told you have to learn how to implement your Trinco into your combat, so let's get started." He said while getting into a fighting stance.

"W-wait, we're sparring?" She asks.

"No we're not sparring, just follow my stance and instructions." He said as Takara got up and copied his stance. "Okay, so breathe through your nose, and exhale through your teeth. Then think about your hands, think about the power they hold. Then, punch!" He before hitting a punching bag with blue Trinco energy in the dojo, sending it flying.

Takara copied his movements, with her doing the same thing, with clear but seeable white energy around her hands, she sent the punching bag flying into the wall.

"Well looks like you're getting the hang of it." Azurai said to Takara as another member brought in more punching bags. "But you can also try and make it more powerful. You can try and delay it, so it comes out as an aftershock." Azurai said as giving an example the initial hit already sent the punching bag flying, but the Trinco energy then erupted in the punching bag while it was flying back.

"I don't even know if I can do that, but I'll try and do it." Takara said while copying his movements, but all she did was hit the punching bag.

"Well then, that might be a little advanced for you. But you did good, let's call it there for the day. After all, another powerful member of the Freedom Union is coming back, he might be able to teach you some advanced Trinco techniques." Azurai said to Takara.

"Thanks for the training, knowing how to implement Trinco into my combat is better than not knowing anything about it." Takara said as Azurai left the room waving goodbye.

"I hope we get to train together another time." Azurai said while closing the dojo doors.

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