"At this time of night?"

"Yep, So, what brings you here, Love?" He asked, sitting onto one of the three beds and crossed his legs as if he's listening to a teacher in elementary school

"Actually, I just wanted to see y'all for awhile, I've been made to sleep ever since I got brung here"

"Well then, I'm just lucky you came into our room first, because then everyone else will take you away-"

"(Y/n)!" Levi shouted as he barged into the room with Satan and Mammon following behind

"Never mind" he sighed

"Didn't think you would be up at this time of night" Satan spoke

"Well, when you've been sleeping for most of the day, what did you expect?" You asked

"Just don't let Lucifer find out, he'll send you right back"

"He'll get over it, I wish I had the confidence that Xiya has to tell him off like that"

"Don't let who find out?" Someone spoke from the doorway as everyone turned to see who it is


"Beel! I was wondering where you were at earlier when everyone came into the room"

"In the kitchen, helping Barbatos with dinner for everyone" he answered

"More like helping yourself to the dinner" Mammon scoffed

"Wanna do the honors?" Satan asked you as he took a step back when you slapped Mammon upside the head

"OUCH! You little-" he started when Satan cracked his knuckles from behind you

"I mean- hehe, you little favoritable now half-demon-ish, adorable- yeah Imma stop now"

"When you turn into a demon fully, you get more strength than you have now, and to practice it, we use Mammon" Satan said, satisfied with his statement

"Where's Belphie?" Beel asked when Asmo pointed to one of the bed full of blankets and pillows to the point that it looks like no one is even in it

"Over there" he simply answered

"He'll wake up soon"

"Oh, (y/n), are you hungry? I bet with all the running and stuff from earlier you might have worked up an appetite like Beel" Satan spoke

"We can go down into the kitchen and help ourselves to leftovers"

"Yeah, If Beel didn't eat it all already"


"What's all this about?" Diavolo asked walking into the huge kitchen with Barbatos and Lucifer right behind him

"Oh- er- we were taking (y/n) here to eat since she hadn't had nothing yet" Levi answered

"Yeah, you can't leave her starving"

"Calm down, I'm not mad, it was just a question, besides, I agree, we can't leave her starving" Diavolo then said as Barbatos walked past him

"How about instead if leftovers, I can cook you up something more fresh" he spoke as he started taking out a bunch of ingredients

"Why not make another meal Barbatos? It's only three in the morning, who doesn't eat at three in the morning?" Diavolo suggested as everyone just looked at each other silently

"I- you don't have to do all of that just for me, I'm fine with just a snack or two, that can hold me off until breakfast, it's only in a few more hours"

"No no, we cannot just let you go with a few snacks, you have a lot of pain coming your way and therefore you wouldn't want to eat when you're in pain now would you?" Diavolo spoke

"Well.. I guess not"

"Exactly, so you must eat up, eat until your stomach might explode" (like mines did, literally)

"We have have our first meal with you again, now officially as a demon" Levi spoke

"Well, half demon for now" Satan corrected

"Just- don't eat too much okay? I can't let you get stretch marks due to eating a lot" Asmo commented

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No.. just.. you will be if you eat a lot.."

"Not if you're like Beel you won't" Lucifer commented

"I'm just lucky" Beel stated

"Someone, go wake Belphie up to get ready for our three in the morning dinner" Lucifer demanded

"I will" Beel said aloud as he walked out

"And for you" Diavolo said, holding your shoulders as he walked you out the kitchen and into another huge room where the dining table is

"You can sit here and wait" he finished as he pulled out a chair and sat you down

"Just wait a tiny bit, and your dinner will be served"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now