17 - "Just my luck..." + 18 - table for 8, please! (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Kids! No throwing food in the fucking kitchen! How many times have I said this?! Pick that tomato up before I make you eat it off the ground!" Mom said in anger, dad rubbing her back to calm her down a bit.
"Yes! Your mother has said this multiple times yet you two still don't listen, do you want us to ground you?" Dad added on.

"No..." I and Heavy said in unison, though I was the one to pick the tomato up.
"Well, you better start listening to what we say if you don't want to." He continued.
I checked the time on my phone 7:49

"Dee!" My dad yelled at me
"WERE GONNA BE LATE TO THE BUS, COME ON HEAVY EAT QUICKER" I ran to the front door and quickly put on my left shoe first.

"DON'T FORGET YOUR LUNCH, THE FOOD SUCKS THERE!" Our mom reminded us, making me jump on one foot to grab it and go back to putting on my other shoe.
I grabbed my keys and ran to the bus stop, seeing two more people stand outside in line for the bus.

"COME ON HEAVY" I yelled again, seeing him jump around one foot, the other up because he was trying his shoe
"I'LL GET THERE, ASSHOLE!" he yelled back at me and started running, almost tripping on the stairs.

As we ran, I looked back and saw our parents watching at the front door as we ran as fast as we could to the bus stop.

When I got there, I saw that the bus had driven away, I saw heavy run up next to me and I could tell that we were both mad as fuck.
The bus driver should have seen us, or at least someone had to say stop to him, but apparently no?!
I sighed, "Just my luck..."

We heard laughing in the distance and saw that our mom was the mystery laughing voice, once she saw us glaring at her laughing, she stopped and gave dad the car keys.

I just knew this day was going to suck...

Words: 807
Words Overall: 821

18 - Table for 8, please!
( Same day, 10:23, Victoria's POV:)
[Guide: m/n = mother's name, f/n = father's name, s/n =sister's name)

I was fixing my bike at home since I didn't have work today, it was a hobby of mine. I finished pumping the tires but then I saw the neighbors that live in front of us come out of their house and start to walk towards our house.

I walked out of the garage and stared in confusion at them "Hello?"
"Ah! You must be Victoria, right?" The woman asked me
"Yes?" I asked, still confused.

"Well we wanted to invite your family to dinner, to get to know each other" she smiled
"Uhm, I uh... I'll go get my husband and see what he thinks about it." I quickly ran inside and washed my hands

"Oh, how lovely!" He replied, standing near the open door.
"Yeah but I told them that you'll come with me to talk to them about it"
"Yes, now!" I rinsed my hands and dried them

"Come on, I don't want to make a bad impression," I said to myself, trying to spray the little perfume I had left. When I finally managed to I went with my husband back to the garage

"We're back" I smiled at them
"Sebastian? Oh sorry, I meant, Glam?" The woman's husband asked
"Yes...? Do I know you?" Glam was as confused as I was at the start
"Hah, I can't believe you don't recognize me! I mean I did change a lot but... I'm f/n. I was a part of Chesnok's band!" He smiled but then trailed off "I wonder how he is now..."

"OH! Yes, I remember now! How great to see you" Glam smiled
"Well, we've all technically introduced ourselves, what's your name?" I asked the woman, trying not to sound rude or as if it was an interrogation.
"Right... I'm m/n! By the way, I love your orange-reddish hair! It really suits you!" She smiled.
"Thank you!" I smiled back at her

"Well... About that offer" f/n interrupted the small moment of silence.
"Oh, right!" I laughed.
"So are you guys free this evening? We would really love your family to come!" M/n said with excitement, I'm guessing she's making something good for dinner.

I looked over at Glam, mentally asking if he had work later.
"Ah, sure! We'll also take our kids if you don't mind?" Glam asked the couple
"That's no problem at all! We also have children of our own so I think it will nice! Our oldest is 19/20 but I'm sure she'll get along with your kids!"

"19/20? Our oldest is 15" Glam said, I'm guessing they're a bit older than us...
"Then it's settled?" F/n asked
"Yup!" Me and Glam said in unison, looking at each other with a smile afterward.

"Great! We'll see you guys..." M/n checker her golden watch "around 19:00? Is that good?"
"Yes, of course!" Glam agreed, I did the same with just a simple nod.

"Ciao!" M/n waved whilst walking to the house, making f/n laugh at her for sounding so "posh" but he also waved.
We returned it with a simple "See you soon!"

after they had gone inside, I started freaking out a bit "Am I going to have to wear a dress?"
"Probably..." Glam replied, walking towards the door "If your muscles are too big to fit in that black one, we can go and get a new one that you'll like and be comfortable in" he smiled, making me blush at the somewhat compliment.

Words: 564
Words Overall: 579
Words in whole part: 1371
Words in whole part overall: 1494

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