"It's like those tiny sphere thingies that uhhh." Iris's voice trailed off as she saw a butterfly pass by.

"The robinoides that you've been sending except you can ride them and do so much more stuff with them! Right Iris?" Steven said

Iris wasn't paying attention as the butterfly sat on her finger.


"Huh?... oh yes what you said."

"These robots sound easy to make." Peridot stated.

"Well if an build one faster!!" Pearl said and rushed off into the barn.

"That's what you think you clod!!" Peridot shouted running after her.

Steven and iris followed them inside.

One robot building montage later.

Pearl zips out of the barn in her elegant ballet like robot.

"Giant robot!!" Steven said and threw his hands in the air excitedly.

Peridot stomped out of the barn with her short, bulky, geometrical robot.

"Hehehehe behold ultimate power!!" Peridot shouted. Then looked up at pearls. "Hey!!"

"Mines taller!" Pearl exclaims.

"Children and gentle gems, welcome to the very first robo Olympics!!" Steven says happily.

Iris was sitting in garnets lap since she's a smol little bean. Amethyst was munching on some popcorn while garnet was cheering.

"This will test our robo engineers skills, construction and piloting. Who ever is the victor will be in charge of building the drill machine thingy. Now let the games begin!!!"

First test was balance. Pearls robot excelled while peridot was a little too daring and spun around causing her robot to fall over.

"Round one goes toooo Pearl!"

"Yay Pearl." Iris said quietly as she fiddled with her overalls.

Test two was breaking rocks. Peridots robot had no issues in breaking two rocks since it seems as though it was built to do such thing. On the other hand pearls robot struggled to lift it over it's self causing it to drop onto the poor Pearl's head. Luckily she nor her gem was harmed.

"Peridot wins two!!"

Round three was... ballet?? This is rigged in pearls favour.. peridots robot did more of a freestyle dance than ballet but had a pretty decent attempt. Pearl being the pearlfect most elegant being there ever was completed the task easily and elegantly.

"Pearl won!" Iris said from the side.

"Hey that's my line!!" Steven pouted.

Iris stuck out her tongue at him.

Jumping was the fourth round. Pearl jumped pretty high like a ballet dancer would on stage. Peridot being the little cheater that she was used springs and jumped really high into the atmosphere.

"Uhhh... peridot wins??" Steven said looking up to see if he could see her.

Round five was a race. Whoever was the fastest wins. Pearl and peridot came neck and neck with each other however in trying to beat one another they didn't notice the tree that they were about to crash into. Amethyst spat out her popcorn and burst out laughing at the scene.

"THE TREE WON!!!" Iris shouted accidentally hitting garnets cheek when she threw her hands up. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Felt like a little tap."

The missing diamond (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now