Chapter 11: Hathor's Back?!

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Warning: Swearing, mentions of suicide

3rd Person POV

It was the next day, around the afternoon time. Y/N, Bek, and Horus were relaxing in a temple that used to be filled with plant life. Bek was lying in the shade next to a bench, which Y/N was sitting on while Horus was sitting on the steps, looking out into the distance.

Bek wakes up, grunting a little as he shifts, sitting up and looking out into the desert behind him. Y/N was meditating, her back facing the others as her breathing was calm and collected. Bek stood up, looking around the area first before facing Horus, "Can we find a less unpleasant campsite next time?"

Y/N rolled her eyes as she smacked him in the back of his head with her head, making Horus huff a bit in amusement. Bek rubbed the back of his head, playfully glaring at Y/N as she stuck out her tongue at him.

Horus looked out at their surroundings again before speaking, "This used to be a garden like you've never seen before."

Y/N looked out before an image appeared right before her and she could see his parents, Isis and Osiris walking through the temple. Everything was a luscious green color, filled with plant life and clear waters running through. She could see that they looked so happy together as they walked through it.

"What happened?" Bek's voice broke her away from the image as it rippled away.

"It was my father's first temple. In his generosity, he opened the grounds so the poor could bury their own here," Horus said softly, smiling at what his father did for the mortals.

Y/N watched him from behind with such softness, "It must've been very beautiful, a sight to behold." She commented and he gave a sad smile towards her.

"Set has corrupted his father loved this place," Horus said as Bek came over and sat down on the steps with him, "So Set brought him here to be butchered. His body was cut into 14 pieces...the heart was never found."

"Set salted the earth?" Bek asked, facing him.

" was my mother's tears. Before she took her own life," Horus sadly explained.

Y/N heard those words and it made her remember her time back in her world, her eyes watering as she was reminded of that time.

-- flashback to the modern world --

"Mom! I'm home from school!" A young teen Y/N walked through the door of her London home, dropping her bag by the entrance. She walked to the kitchen, making herself a snack before realizing that her mom had not responded back.

Her father was never around since her parents were divorced when she was 5 years old. Only her mother took care of her since they moved away to their current home.

"Mom?" She called out again, walking around the first floor of their two-story home. Not seeing her, she got concerned before she made her way upstairs. She had her phone in her hand, ready to call 911 just in case.

She looked into the other rooms first before going to the master bedroom. The light was off and the door was cracked open, which she knew her mother didn't do. She switched on the light and noticed everything was moved around before looking ahead of her.

Her eyes widened as she lost her breath, and her phone dropped from her hand as she stared in horror at the sight before her. There her mother was, hanging lifelessly from the ceiling with a noose around her neck. Her vision blurred with tears before she dropped to her knees, her body filled with shock and numbness.

She picked up her phone and dialed 911, waiting for a response before someone picked up, "Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency?"

"H-hello...I f-found my m-mother dead i-in her room..." She barely managed to speak out as her eyes stayed on her dead mother.

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