Chapter 14: Getting Ready For Battle

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(A/N) Hello everyone! I'm so completely sorry for putting off this chapter update for almost a year! I've been wanting to get other stories done as well and with life getting hectic, I just haven't been able to write anything.

With me having a lot of free time now, I'll be able to get back to this and other stories I've been putting off!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Zaya was walking the trail through the gates of the Afterlife, trailing behind an old woman who was in front of her. The trail to get the judges was dark and somber, the entire landscape all muted and grey. Everyone's faces had somber expressions and the surge of spirits with filled with both the poor and the rich, with the latter having a better chance of getting into higher planes.

"The Hall of Two Truths..." The old woman in front of Zaya spoke up, turning to her a little, "Where we shall be judged."

The scene reveals a giant judgment hall on top of the mountain, a bright light shining from the top of it. The view in front of her had filled her with fear, her heart racing as she knew that she didn't have anything that was of any value.

The voice of the undead judges filled her ears as they got closer to their trials. The scene before her had two giant statues in front of the entrance, their staffs crossing at the top. The judges, as well as the head judge, were sitting on their seats in the walls on either side. Under the statues, stood the scales of life. if you had something of value that outweighed the feather, you would be sent to the deepest and most horrific parts of the Afterlife. But if you had something that the feather outweighed, you would be sent to the more peaceful part of the Afterlife.

"Step forward," The head judge spoke out as a man full of riches stepped up, "What do you offer?"

The man full of riches placed down a small chest full of riches and antiques, himself dressed in robes of jewelry and gold. Since the rules were changed because of Set, the scale that had the feather rose in his favor. The portal to the peaceful Afterlife opened up for the rich man as the head judge told him to step forward and the portal turned him into wisps, bringing him in.

The old woman stepped forward next, knowing she wouldn't be able to make it. She placed a rust-coated ring on the scale and it outweighed the feather, turning the tide against her. The portal to the horrific Afterlife turned, facing the woman. You could hear the cracks of thunder and lightning inside the portal, almost hearing the faint screams of the damned inside.

The poor old woman screamed in pain and fear, as she was also turned into wisps and pulled into the portal, her pained cries echoing the chambers. Zaya was now filled with fear, her eyes wide as she looked up to the head judge, who asked her to step forward. She looked towards the scales and hesitantly walked up to them, knowing she had nothing to offer for them.

" you offer?" The head judge asks, looking down at her from his seat.

Before she could respond, both Anubis and Bek appeared on either side of her. Bek rushed over to her, seeing the tears on her cheeks.

"Zaya...!" Bek said, causing her to look at him in shock, but she smiled with relief.

"Bek..." She said, chuckling softly and it made him smile sadly.

They tried to touch their hands together, but because he was still a living person, his hand went right through hers, causing their mood to somber a bit.

Set rose from a pit of lava in his godly form, the metals of his body burning like molten steel as his workers spoke out to him in unison.

"Set, receive the golden wings of Nephthys, may they protect him from those who would harm. The karr of Thoth, God of Wisdom, allow him knowledge of old. The Heart of Osiris, grant him dominion over all lands. The all-seeing eye, reward him so no enemy can deceive." As they spoke their lines, all of the pieces were welled up and nailed in on his smoldering hot, metal body. When it was all finished, Set let out a heated breath as a giant pot of cold water was dumped onto him, setting everything in place.

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