Chapter 2

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Huh? It's all black out here where am I? What's this place?
She looked ahead to see a bright light shinning ahead at this black abyss and ran towards it swallowing herself in the white light.

She rose above the water surface astonished to see her surroundings making her eyes wide in fear, excitement, anticipation on the sight before her.She had somehow traveled into  pond of a park of some strange place, what's most surprising is that everything looked animated, somehow she herself who never knew how to swim was floating on the water without any help,it was as if someone or something was keeping her from drowning.

She woke up from her daze as she saw a person drowning, screaming for help.
She left her thoughts to save the person.She again dived in water  and after a lot of struggle, pulled her out.She was drained of energy from the earlier episode, all the voices around her became dull and making her unconscious.

?? POV

Shit! She's saved because of this foreigner.Don't worry I have many ways to make your life miserable .

Mahi woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling,the walls were painted in white,the curtains were cream coloured giving in all a cozy vibes in the room.There on table was a photo of three people two daughter and one father,the girl on the right was a brown hair brunette with beautiful violet colour eyes,while the right side brunette had blonde hair colour with brown pair of eyes.The father's hair colour was black and eyes were of darkish brown colour, giving her an unfamiliar sense of familiarness.

She looked at herself to be dressed in grown making her shiver in fear.
'Who would have dressed me up? I hope my dignity is still intact.'She thought flushed about her body seen naked by others even it be female,for Myna it's still a sensitive subject as she's not too much fan of touches.

She broke out of her dilemma from the opening of the door and in came the violet eyed brunette carrying a tray of water and hot soup, giving a polite smile.

"Hope you are well now, thanks for saving me before at the park."

"It's fine,by the way how are you?"

"I am fine, just a little cold.Here,drink it, you'll feel better"She said giving me the bowl.

When l made no move to taste ,she frowned and asked for the reason.

"Actually I am vegetarian, eggs are okay but not meat; fish, chicken or any other animals ."Myna said politely, hoping not to come out as rude.

"Alright, I will make another one for you umm-"


" I am Tianquig" She introduced herself.

What!? female lead?! Mahi turned towards the photo the next second, blinking again and again confirming that she indeed is the same one from the manga that she had read about previously in her home.The same one from the revenge reborn novel,the badass female lead Tianquig,making her realise that she is indeed in same novel, making her mind swirl , black dots appearing before her eyes, moreover she was the one who saved her; meaning the original plot had started somehow her too being a part of it.

Seeing that the girl before had became frozen.Tianquig frowned and pat her shoulder making Mahi flinched at her sudden action.

"Are you fine?"

"Yeah, just a little headache"
She tried giving a professional fake smile  as if everything was okay concealing her inner emotions exploding like a mad person appearing to be a wild bull on rampage which is most likely to do nothing good if revealed taking a deep breaths hoping to calm down.

"By the way who changed my clothes?"She inquired.

"It was changed by me, you were soaked badly if you were left on that clothes you would have probably ended up getting fever."She answered taking the seat on the chair beside me.

"Your luggage and other belongings  had been kept safely,wait l will get it for you."

Saying this she went away leaving Mahi pondering at her dilemma.

What? How can I understand her? Moreover this language barrier? writing and speaking style have a big gap.Those written phrases I can understand and converse when I haven't learnt. What kind of black magic is it?

She curled up in a ball, having inner battle with her rationality.

Tianquig returned carrying my black backpack and handled me saying she had to do dishes and will bring my dinner soon and exited out of the room.

I don't ever remember this bag. Is it possible that it would be of original owner? Yeah it may be possible. She unzipped it. There were dresses, jwellery and other necessary things and a diary. Must be of original owner! She opened and read though it. From it she could conclude that the original owner of this body is a

End of Flashback...........

Mahi stared at the full moon lighting up sky from the window, realise that what happened earlier was now her reality.She sighed in sadness and opened her bag to see that her belongings were at their place,she fumbled to find her mobile and saw it was same as other belongings .She opened it and everything was same except all were animated like the manga's she had read before.

Now I feel like an odd one out here.l wonder do they will be worried? They'll probably worried to death but maybe it's good that way moreover what can I give them?

mother,father, cheeku my sister and you bittu my brother take care and forget me. Be happy and forgive me for this.

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