Chapter 42: Reunion

Start from the beginning

Albert let out a small smile before looking at his younger sister. "William told me. You realizing his plans all along. Making countermeasures in order to save him without ruining his plan... That was the first time you outsmarted him, Elise. I honestly find that amazing from you."

Elise's emerald green eyes widened.

"I won't dwell on how William knows but... Elise, you're always thinking of William's sake, aren't you? You thinking ahead of William had saved him from his death."

Louis looked at William in confusion on how they knew, until he recalled that Sherlock had probably explained it to him.

The older Moriarty continued. "When I learned that from William, I wasn't mad at you for not telling me any of it. Rather... I was worried for you."

Albert stepped back for a bit and wiped the single tear that fell from her face. The tear Elise wasn't aware of that was already falling.

"It hurts to keep quiet while watching your loved one in pain, isn't it?" He smiled a little, thinking of the feelings his sister has endured in order not to mess up her plan. "It was risky plan, but it did save William from his death. I don't want to hear you apologize as well, sister. You were only thinking of saving him."

She made a fist as she recalled how the blond's "death" had caused pain in the hearts of these two men. "But in the process I have hurt both of you and Moran-san...! There could've been other ways without... Without resorting to that...! I... I even dragged Holmes-san and-"


The brunette stopped and looked at the older blond who had called her name. William stepped forward and grabbed her hand gently.

"You saved me, Elise." He tells her softly. "No matter what you say. You saved my life."

William had missed the warmth and kindness from her hand when he held it. It was comforting and gives him peace and security that he can be at ease. He was looking straight to her eyes as he said his next words.

"You made me choose to live again."

Elise was trembling while the blond was pressing her palm to his cheek as he continued. Her eyes that would always show concern and gentleness, is now shining with unshed tears as she looked at him.

"You stayed by my side and continued to take care of me and love me, even though it pains you being unable to confront me of my actions. I... I really have been indulged by you. And by Louis and Albert-nii-san as well. I'm sorry if I didn't even send a letter even after recoverring."

Elise lowered her head as her brown bangs covered the expression on her face, her shaking still hasn't ceased and she was clearly holding back her emotions.

But for what reasons she has to hold back, he wondered?

"For three years... I was searching for the "right" way to atone. I needed more time to move forward and Sherlock had supported me in those times. In those three years, you're the one that I always think of, Elise. I wanted to properly move on and atone. Not only for my sake to continue living despite the weight of our sins... but so I could face you once again."

A look of fondness was on William's face as he faced his beloved who's on the verge of tearing up.

"I made you wait for three years, my dearest."

Elise launched herself at him and if it weren't for Williams hold, her surprising strength almost tackled him to the floor. The young woman was shaking in his arms and he could feel his shoulders getting wet.

"William... William..."

Elise was sobbing on his shoulder as she kept calling out his name.

For the first time in many years... Elise could finally cry her heart out without worrying about her damned illness.

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