Chapter 8

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"NO!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" I literally shouted. I will never give her up to anyone in this entire world. How dare he even think about taking her! 

"So you can leave." Duryodhan said gesturing towards the gate. 

"But..." I was dumbfounded. I couldn't leave. Where would I go? I can't go to Mahamahim Bhishma. He will never teach me. Karna would be busy in maintaining his new kingdom and God knows when I would meet Krishna. I don't even know if he would have time to teach me. 

"But what? You can leave." 

"Don't you have anything that you want and I could give you? Anything but Alexa. I would give you a ride if you want. You would be the first person except me to do so. Don't you want to brag about it?" 

He seemed to think about it for a moment and as soon as I thought he would say yes he said, "No, I don't want to brag about anything. I don't have to. Instead you should brag about how blessed you are that I even talked to you."

There were many things that I wanted to say to him, but I held my tongue. Now was not the time. I needed him.

"Come on... you helped Karna yesterday."

"He deserved it. He was capable."

"What makes you think that I am not capable enough?"

"What makes you think that you are?"

"Ask me to do anything." I said impulsively.


"Yes, anything"

"I bet you can't complete 20 rounds of the field."

"I can"

"Then go run"


"Go run" he repeated, gesturing towards the training ground.


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Two men were standing on a balcony of a huge castle. The place was decorated and furnished beyond comprehension of a common man. It was made for the king or in this case for the man who claimed to be future king.

Duryodhan was leaning on the railing. His face held no expression. His uncle often said that a true king never lets his emotions out and shows only what the other person wants to see. He always tried to keep his mask on but often failed, his impulsiveness getting the better of him.

Even though his face was bare, his eyes swam with emotions mostly of confusion as he stared at the young median with curiosity. Evening light flickered on his face giving him the glow which according to him only true princes had.

His uncle, Shakuni mama was beside him, contemplating what would be the next best move as a new player had just entered the game. Her behavior confused him. He doubted her origins. He was sure that she was hiding something but was it useful to him he couldn't tell.

"Mere bacche, I think you should fulfill her demand." Shakuni said.

"Why should I even spare a second for her? I have to take my crown before that Pandavas even think of it. She will just waste my time." Even though there was something intriguing about her, right now he needed to secure his crown. He will think what to do about her later.

"Think of her as an investment, Duryodhan. If she is the twin of Krishna then she is the eldest daughter of the Yadavas. Marriage with her will secure an alliance with Yadavas which will help you keep the crown. No rebellion can stand against Kuru and Yadavas combined forces." He turned her face to the Yadav princess as she ran foolishly on the ground.

"Even if I had to marry her, why would I have to be in her good graces? I would just talk to her brothers, impress them and form an alliance."

Right at that moment Aarohi raised her hand and started moving it to and fro. In her weird attire and gesturing she looked almost comical to Duryodhan. She also looked weak and he wanted to become her knight in shining armor.

Shakuni could tell what his nephew was thinking, so he warned him. "Be wary of her, Duryodhan. If she is anything like her brother, she would never marry against her wishes. She would find a way out of it. Pay attention to her moves. Find out whose side she is on. If she is against you, manipulate her, by nook or by crook make her your ally." 


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