- your first date.

Start from the beginning

˚୨୧˚ ˚୨୧˚

— billy showalter.


➭ billy wouldn't want to go to a very public place with you. he would rather be completely alone with you, his full attention on you.
➭ after alot of thinking, he finally chose what he wanted to do with you.
➭ at your house or his, you have a day in doing whatever fun activities you guys felt like in the moment. maybe even a walk with his dog.
➭ after school, he gathered the courage to actually ask you on a date. he knew that you liked him which offered him some comfort.
„ hey uh.. are you free tomorrow? " he'd ask while anxiously fidgeting with his jumper's sleeve.
„ yes i think so, why? "
„ okay- well, do you wanna hang out? at your house or mine, it doesn't matter which one. and.. i mean this as a date "
„ i-i-.. yeah! yes, come to my house at 11 tomorrow morning, i wake up pretty late so don't come earlier " ( ur real for that )
„ okay, i'll see you tomorrow! "
[ on the day ]
➭ he gets there at 10:57. he even waited outside for 3 minutes because he was 3 minutes early
➭ he knocks on the door, and you answer quickly, letting him in.
➭ you have a few little kittens and they become playful with his dog, ITS SO CUTE
➭ he asks to go into your room so you lead him into your room, and he sits on your bed next to you as he looks around.
➭ he sees things like posters, trinkets, drawings & photos of yours that he thinks are really cute. he asks a few questions about your interests and watches you in awe as you ramble on about them.
➭ billy doesn't even notice that he's been blushing since the moment he saw you. his leg is bouncing bc hes so happy ( do u know what i mean LAMAOOA )
➭ you give him a little room tour, showing him most of your stuff
➭ he enjoys every second, taking mental notes of stuff you like. getting ideas for future gifts to give you
➭ you guys grew hungry and made your way to the kitchen
➭ you suggest that you guys bake something from scratch
„ oh, no.. i'm not the best cook, so i don't know if it's a good idea to bake something with me.. " billy would say, laughing as he remembers that time he tried cooking for his mother and failed miserably.
„ it's okay, just follow the instructions. and i'll help you, so i'm sure it'll be fine " you say as you begin looking through your little recipe book for something to cook.
➭ billy sighs in defeat, but after all.. how could he say no to you??
➭ you both agree on cooking some biscuits with strawberry jam in the middle ( YK ?? )
➭ after you get out the ingredients, you wash your hands and recite the steps in the recipe.
➭ step one was to mix a few of the ingredients together, and you made him do it because it was an easy step.
➭ he was actually doing very well, but suddenly he pretended he sucked ???
„ y/nnnn this is so hard.. can u please help me? " he'd whine as he gently tapped you on the shoulder.
➭ boy did not actually need help..
„ what? okay.. "
➭ it baffled you that he was apparently bad at moving a spoon around a bowl of food.
➭ he moved back as you stood in front of him, and he moved foward again to rest his head on yours, as you intertwined your fingers with his.
➭ your hands were both on the spoon, but you controlled it, helping him. it intimidated you, as you could feel his warm breath on your neck.
➭ you did the next part which was adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing them with a different kind of spoon.
➭ billy only watched from behind you, admiring how you managed to do everything perfectly.
➭ it was billy's turn to do something and it was sifting the flour. you were both as nervous as each other for this, you knew this wouldn't end well..
➭ it got EVERYWHERE. some got in the bowl tho so its okay..
➭ billy was quick to notice that there was some on your nose and he wiped it off for you with his thumb which made u blush (:
➭ u guys put the biscuits in the oven & decide to watch a movie while waiting for them to cook.
➭ you lay next to each other on seperate sides of the bed for a few seconds before u feel billy's arms wrap around your shoulders & waist, pulling u close.
➭ you nuzzled ur face into his neck, and he rested his head just above yours.
➭ neither of you actually ended up watching the movie, u just layed comfortably in each others warm embrace.
➭ his dog eventually came and sat up the end of your bed and fell asleep, your kittens falling asleep on top of his dog. JUST PICTURE IT OMG ITS SO CUTE
➭ after some time, you'd fallen asleep in his arms. he blushed when he realised, and he gently kissed your head before falling asleep as well.
➭ both of you were jolted awake when the loud oven timer went off, and you both ran excitedly into the kitchen to take the biscuits out.
➭ they looked perfect!! but you burnt yourself taking them out ):
➭ you cried which broke billy's heart, he panicked and made you run your finger under some cold water. he caressed your hand softly in attempt to comfort you.
➭ he hugged you tight as you cried into his chest, it took everything in him to not cry as well bc it made him so sad to see u cry ):
➭ after you'd recovered from your little injury, you and billy added the jam to the biscuits and tried them.
➭ they tasted really good! you both loved them & u packed a little bag for billy with some of the biscuits so he could take some home.
➭ billy's dog woke up & he was quite hyper, so next u guys took him on a walk to a lake near your house.
➭ on the walk, he purposely kept brushing his hand against yours in hope that you'd hold it, but you didn't get the hint, so he nervously reached for your hand.
➭ you guys intertwined your fingers and kept walking.
➭ you guys spoke to each other until u arrived at the small little lake.
➭ his dog ran straight into the water which splashed u two a little bit, and u laughed as he apologised on behalf of his pet.
➭ you both sat on some rocks that weren't too close to the water.
➭ billy put his arm around you and held you close as you guys talked, watching his dog play in the water.
➭ you picked up some pebbles and skimmed them while you guys talked, and billy eventually asked how u did it so well & asked u to teach him.
➭ he wasn't very good at it but he got the hang of it in the end.
➭ it begins to thunder so u guys get his dog & run home quickly before it starts raining.
➭ when u guys get back home, u both realise he stayed for too late & has to leave, but you force him to stay with u bc it's raining.
➭ you guys ACTUALLY watch a movie this time instead of falling asleep LMAOAOOAAO
„ billy, weird question, but.. can i do your nails..? "
„ what? uh.. i.. okay..? sure, whatever u want! "
➭ he's SO confused but also a bit excited because he's never had his nails done before.
➭ billy chooses for you to paint his nails your favourite colour because „ it's something that will remind me of you when we're apart "
➭ you softly touch his fingers while doing his nails & his heart flutters at the little action. it's such a small thing but he gets all blushy and flustered.
➭ you feel his eyes on you the WHOLE time, and a shy smile stays present on your face.
➭ as you finish his nails, you remove your fingers from his and he gets a bit sulky ):
„ wait y/n what if i move and the nail stuff comes off? i think you need to hold my hands down or your perfect work will be ruined.. "
➭ you're not stupid, you see right through his cute little excuse but u pretend not to bc who wouldn't want to hold billy's hands.
„ oh yes that's smart, i'll do that "
➭ a sheepish smile appears on his face & he does the leg bounce thing out of happiness again OMGMGM
➭ by the time his nails r dry, it has stopped raining which makes both of u quite sad because you both know he now has no excuse to stay longer.
„ i'm sorry i have to go so early y/n, but i'll see you at school and maybe- maybe we can do this next weekend? if you want to " he suggests nervously as you guys make your way to the door.
„ of course! thank you for coming, really. it was really fun! "
„ it's okay ..you're really beautiful, y/n.. " he says, before kissing your hand gently.
➭ he gets flustered from his own actions and chickens out from the last minute confession he was going to do.
➭ before you can reply or thank him, he begins to walk off before turning back around and saying „ bye! " & his face is a bit red.
➭ he bikes off w his dog & when u see him at school 2 days later, he is really shy towards u LMAOAO
[ on the date, there was.. ]
➭ i didn't mention it, but when your kittens were free from playing w his dog, they were clinging to his ankles & IT WAS SO CUTE !! he didn't mind, it kept him warm & he thought it was really cute.
➭ laughing / smiling at even the small things u did. like normal things, pushing ur hair behind ur ear, he thought it was cute the way ur nose scrunched when u sniffled, scratching ur head, jumping when ur excited, he noticed it all.
➭ smiling. the whole time. he smiled the WHOLE TIME. except of course when u burnt urself. boy wanted to cry with you
➭ glancing down to your lips alot. HE WANTED TO !!!! but he wasn't bold enough to do it on the first date.

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