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To say you were confused was an understatement. You walked closer to the board, still unable to see Lokis name however you noticed that your portfolio had near doubled. The new Roxxon account you thought. Spinning around, you walked back towards Loki who was already looking at you with an unreadable expression.

"Congratulations." He spoke.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"You're the soul trader of the new Roxxon account." He answered.

"What? Why? Why did you do that?"

"Because I—I'm—"

"You're what? What's going on Loki?" You demanded.

"I emailed you your flight tickets for Sunday, you just have to pick the meals." Steve interrupted, tapping Loki on the shoulder before leaving.

So he was going on a business trip.

"Y/n can we talk in my office please?" He requested, nodding, you followed him. Once you both entered, he closed the door behind him. "Y/n, I got a promotion."

"Oh that's great." You smiled, unsure whether you should give him a congratulatory kiss or whether that would just be awkward. Was this the reason he had been distant with you? Did he not want to tell you he got promoted? What's so wrong with a promotion? Your mind raced as Loki continued looking at you with a saddened expression. "Loki?"

"It's in London." He finally admitted causing you to take a step backwards away from him as if he had just impaled you. Surely it would only be for a week maximum. Business trips weren't uncommon in this field. "From this Sunday, I'll be working for Stark Industries in London."

"W-what?" You murmured, your arms wrapping around yourself as you looked at the ground, willing yourself not to cry.

"I wanted to tell you I just didn't know how. It was a last minute transfer with the Stark offices there." He explained, reaching out for your hands before you took another step backwards. It all made sense now. That's what Steve was talking to him about. That's why he was being so distant, he didn't want to break the news he was leaving. Either that or he simply didn't care about you as much as you did him.

"You knew" you spoke barley above a whisper as you looked up at him "you knew you were leaving since Tuesday and you're only telling me now?"


"And you haven't even spoken to me you've been so distant a-and—" you stuttered, words getting stuck in your throat.

"Y/n please, I'm sorry." He insisted, hands finding your waist as he looked down at you "L—let's spend tomorrow together. One last Saturday." He smiled hopefully "one more date."

"Leave me alone!" You yelled, moving from his grip, quickly wiping a tear that had rolled down your cheek. You looked at him one final time before you stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind you. You walked down the corridor, your colleagues congratulating you but you couldn't hear them, your senses were clouded. Loki was leaving.

You left work early, you couldn't be there right now. Instead, you decided you'd spend the early weekend alternating between watching chick flicks and crying into your pillow with the addition of teeth rotting confectionary. This was supposed to be good, you ranked highest and you had the new Roxxon account to yourself. This is what you wanted, what the y/n who spent years studying dreamed of yet you couldn't have been more miserable. Even worse, you didn't even get to say goodbye to Loki. It wasn't his fault, if such an amazing opportunity like that one came up for you, you weren't sure you'd abandon it for fun sex with someone you had met only a few weeks ago. You didn't even know his address.

Loki felt awful. Downcast. This was an opportunity he found himself wishing for when he'd blow out his birthday candles and yet now he couldn't be more upset that he's got it. All his dreams finally here and yet they felt incomplete without you. After speaking to Bucky, he came to the realisation that he couldn't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime for a girl he met a few weeks ago and that he wasn't even sure was interested in him anymore. Besides, the contract was twelve months, he'd come back afterwards. Better, more skilled, larger portfolio.

By the time it was Sunday morning, Loki had finished all his packing for his red eye flight. He had said his goodbyes and yet he still hadn't spoken to you since Friday. Regardless of whether or not you wanted to see him, he couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you, he wouldn't. He got dressed before heading towards your apartment. He quickly grabbed a couple of coffees and pastries on the way remembering that it was so early in the morning. He hoped he wouldn't be waking you up.

When he arrived at your apartment, you wouldn't answer so he had to slip in with someone else before he made his way to your front door. Obviously you didn't want to see him but he had to at least see you one last time before he left. Holding the bag and coffee in one hand, he raised the other and took a deep breath before knocking the door.

No answer

He knocked again, using a little more force this time but there was still no answer.

"Y/n it's me." He called. He felt stupid, obviously you would be less likely to open the door hearing that it was him knocking, you probably saw him in the camera when he had pressed your buzzer.

"I don't think she's in."

Spinning around, Loki was met by a different woman, holding a cat in her arms as she looked at him.

"Oh." Loki answered.

"I saw her leave earlier and I didn't see her come back. Would you like me to take a message? Tell her you dropped by?" She offered.

"Um" Loki thought, maybe it was better you didn't know he came, maybe it would make things easier. "No worries." He smiled "coffee?"

After leaving the coffee and the pastries with the woman, Loki walked out of the apartment building with his head down. That was it, he was leaving and he wasn't even able to say goodbye to you. He wanted to wait, to stand outside your door and wait for you to come home but who knew when that was. He had a flight to catch.

You're the boss जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें