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It was already half five and you still weren't completely ready. Today of all days was the day you had to work slightly later meaning that when you did eventually finish, you had to sprint home and jump in the shower. Luckily you had woken up early this morning and picked out an outfit for tonight's date with Loki. Not knowing where you and Loki were actually going, you settled on something sexy but casual. You paired a low cut bodysuit with some jeans and an oversized blazer. You decided on some small hoops and added a small shoulder bag to complete the look. When it was a couple of minutes just past six, you heard your bell. Buzzing Loki up, you put your shoes on as you waited at the door.

When Loki knocked it, you opened it only to be met by a large bouquet of flowers as well as a box of expensive looking chocolates being shoved in your face.

"What are those?" You asked, taken slightly aback by the gesture. You couldn't remember the last time someone had bought you flowers.

"Flowers." He answered simply.

"Why have you bought me flowers?" You questioned. Gestures such as these were reserved for a woman you wanted to fuck, not one you already had.

"And chocolates." He added, putting the box into your hand.

"And chocolates?" You smiled.

"Because we're going on a date." He answered, confused.

"Thank you." You grinned, accepting the gifts, fingers brushing against Lokis as he handed you the flowers. Turning around, you made your way back into your apartment to put them in some water. Unlike when you were at work, you couldn't hear Loki behind you. "You can come in Mr Vampire." You snorted, looking at Loki as she shifted on his feet, still at the door.

"Sorry, I didn't want to intrude."

"Please, you've already intruded, twice."

Loki cautiously stepped inside, eyes looking around your apartment but focusing on nothing in particular whilst you grabbed a vase and filled it halfway with water. As you held the flowers, you brought them to your nose, inhaling deeply and sighing contently at the sweet, floral smell. They really were gorgeous flowers.

"Your apartment is nice, suits you." You heard Loki call.

"Thanks." You answered, walking back towards him "ready to go?"you asked, noticing him looking at a picture of you as a child.

"Who's this little boy?"

"She, is me." You corrected, putting the small picture frame face down.

"Aww, you were a cute child." He smiled.

"Remind me to never invite you in again." You chuckled "come on, let's go." You added, taking him by the hand as you walked out.

You and Loki drove towards your destination in his car in a comfortable silence. You could have sworn that he put an arm in front of you when he went over a hump sharply. You glanced at him after he done it, biting his lip, clearly trying to suppress a smile.

"So, where are we going?" You questioned.

"You'll see once we arrive." He answered "just enjoy the drive."

Loki pulled up outside of an unfamiliar restaurant. Just from the exterior, you could tell that the menu was designed for those more fortunate. You were well off but not stupid. Restaurants like these ones were just extortion. Loki parked before exiting the car, opening your door before he lead you towards the restaurant.

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