author's note

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Oh my Goddddddd

I've actually finished a book??? What??

Thank you guys so much for reading, I honestly don't know how this has surpassed 1.5K reads, and that's not a lot compared to most books out there but just the fact I can see the reads going up each chapter means someone is out there waiting for an update/enjoying the book! It's amazing, so honestly, thank you so much.

And yes, as per, I've left it on a cliffhanger!!!

I was toying with the idea of writing my own book as a spin off from the end of S4, because let me tell you, I don't think I can wait until season 5 comes out. But equally, could wait if that's what would be preferred.

Would anyone read Book 2? I have so many ideas for it I feel like I'm going to explode.

If you would, can you please comment and I can actually see if anyone would read. I would be eternally grateful. EVEN a comment on how you found the book.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. I appreciate you.

Thanks again,
Becks x

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