the piggyback

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part seven

Steve and Daphne woke up once again in each other's arms, although this time in Daphne's room, as Steve snuck back in so that he could spend the night with her.

Daphne couldn't help the grin spreading to her face as she turned to the boy, the pair feeling even closer than they ever thought possible after spending the night together.

"Good morning, Henderson," Steve greeted formally, although the cheesy smirk on his face showed that he definitely wasn't being formal.

"Morning, Harrington," Daphne smirked at him, him leaning forward and placing a lingering kiss on her lips, albeit their morning cut short by three harsh bangs on her door.

"Daph, I'm coming in!" Dustin's voice boomed as she felt panic rise in her throat, shoving Steve under the covers as she turned towards the opening door and hoping to hide the grown man in her bed.

"Dustin! I could be naked!" Daphne hissed as she laid on her side.

"First of all, ew, second, everyone's here, we're having a memorial for Eddie, hurry up," Dustin went to turn around, "Oh, and I'd ring Steve but I can see the idiot hiding under your sheets."

"Hey, dude," Steve smiled sheepishly as he pulled the cover from him, Daphne cringing as she looked at him.

"Don't hey dude me, you're in bed with my freakin' sister!" Dustin hissed, pointing a crutch at him.

"Don't point your crutch at me," Steve mumbled as he sat up with his bare chest out.

"Jesus Christ, put some clothes on," the younger Henderson grimaced as he turned out of the room.

"I think he spotted me," Steve mumbled, Daphne groaning as she walked to her wardrobe.

"I don't know if I can go back there," Daphne mumbled to herself, her knee bobbing as she stood staring at her clothes. "I wanna do something for him, but it's just— being there again, I don't know,"

"We're all here," Steve reassured, running a hand through his hair, "I'm here."

"I know," Daphne sucked in her bottom lip as she grabbed a tight fitting black strappy dress, oversized black leather jacket and bulky black boots. "Eddie would dig the jacket." Daphne shrugged as she laid it out on the bed.

"Yeah," Steve laughed as he looked at the outfit, "He would."

Daphne quickly changed, shuffling to the bathroom with Steve so that they could brush their teeth, and then Daphne adding some mascara to her eyes.

"Ready?" Steve asked, wearing the same pants and jumper that he wore yesterday.

"Yeah, ready," Daphne gave him a small smile as he leant down to offer her a small peck, placing his hand at the small of her back to lead her out.

Luckily, their mom had headed out to volunteer in some way for those who lost their homes during the incident. So when Steve and Daphne emerged together, there was only the bulging eyes of their friends rather than her mother's. She was extremely grateful for that.

"Spent the night, huh, Harrington?" Robin's eye brows wiggled at the two, their eyes rolling in response.

"Alright, alright," Steve rolled his eyes, "Back off, Buckley."

"Where's Lucas?" Daphne asked, scanning the room and it feeling empty with only Nancy, Robin, Steve and Dustin in front of her.

"Max," Dustin glanced up, and she nodded in response.

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