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Yay a new story!!!! More Darius trauma i promise I don't hate him it's just tradition now.

Ben's POV:

I sat down at a table across from Darius. He genuinely smiled at me, it made my stomach twist at the sight. He hadn't really been smiling much lately but him smiling made me smile back.

"Morning!" He said happily, I hummed in response and started to eat my food. Kenji came into the room with a worried look on his face. He sat down next to me, I moved farther away from him not wanting him or anyone to sit next to me. Since I got back, I wasn't very fond of people sitting next to me. Darius must've noticed, and made Kenji sit next to him.

"Why don't you sit next to me?" Darius instantly said, Kenji shrugged and sat next to Darius instead.

"Have you seen my dad today?" Kenji worriedly asked. I glanced at Darius he shook his head.

"No, why?" I asked, Kenji looked down at the table. He still didn't have any food.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday." He admitted, I didn't get why he was so worried. His dad would go off for a couple hours on a daily basis.

"He's probably just working." Darius suggested, Kenji hesitantly nodded and continued to eat his food. Darius stole one of my berries and ate it. I didn't mind. He was probably the only one I let steal my food.

"Wha- How come when he steals your food you don't care but when I do it you attack me!?" Kenji said offended, I laughed a little and shrugged.

"He's just better than you." I joked, Kenji scoffed. The day was going normal. Sammy and Yaz flirted the whole day, but Kenji was a worried mess the whole time. I heard a knock on the room me and Darius were in.

"Hey can you help me find my dad?" He hesitated, I glanced at Darius and shrugged. Darius on the other hand smiled at Kenji.

"Of course, should we look in the forest biome?" Darius asked, Kenji raised an eyebrow and shook his head. It was a good idea to check the biomes even if it was a stupid idea.

"No, I don't know why he would visit any of the biomes, just look around please." He practically begged. Darius nodded and stood up. I shrugged and stood up as well. Kenji left the room probably to look for his dad.

"He's probably fine, right?' I said, Darius nodded and opened the door for me.

"After you." He had a cheeky smile, I rolled my eyes and walked outside into the long hallway.

"I'll check the MedBay." I said, Darius looked a little more worried when I said that.

"I'll come with you." He quickly said, I raised an eyebrow at him but shrugged.

"Sure if you wanna." I said, walking off to the direction the MedBay was at. Darius gave me a worried smile and followed me until we got to the MedBay.

"Are you sure you wanna come with?" I questioned, he kept looking behind us like he kept checking to see if someone was following us.

"Uh...I might go check on Kash, maybe he went to visit him." I shrugged and let him separate ways into the forest biome. He had been on edge for a while but he never told me why if I asked him about it. I arrived at the MedBay and started to look around.

"Mr. Kon!? Mr-" I was cut off to see a BradX walking around. I thought we shut them off.

"The hell?" I murmured to myself, I hid behind some crates so it wouldn't see me. The only Brads that were on were the ones in the sewer's. Who turned the other ones on? If they were still on that ment one of them would follow Darius wherever he went. Shit. I ran out of the MedBay, and ran into Yaz and Sammy.

"Ah! Sorry!!" I yelled and continued to run. Sammy and Yaz followed me, also catching the attention of Kenji. They all followed me to the Forest biome as I frantically looked around for Darius.

"DARIUS!?" I called out, the others caught up with me catching their breath.

"Ben what happened?" Yaz was the first to catch her breath. I spun around almost knocking heads.

"The BRADs are back on and Darius.." I couldn't finish my sentence, I just continued to look around calling out to him.

"Ben calm down I bet he's fine." Kenji tried to calm me down.

"I know but what if-" BANG we all jumped, and I began to sprint to where I heard the noise. The others followed after me. We arrived at the waterfall where Kash was supposedly in.

"Wait! Ben shouldn't you think about this?" Sammy asked seriously concerned. Brooklyn came up behind her and nodded in agreement. I glanced back at the waterfall and shook my head. I slowly approached the waterfall do see a letter taped onto the steel door. "TRICKED YOU!!!" It said on all capitals. I stared at it and walked out with the others handing them the paper.

"What the hell?" Brooklyn blurted, Kenji turned the page. "P.S I've got your bratty friend here ;)" I snatched the paper and read it as many times until Yaz tried to calm me down.

"Ben calm down, I bet he is ok, Darius is a smart kid." She tried to calm me down. It wasn't really working because I repeated reading the paper just to see if there were any clues or really anything.

"I shouldn't have let him go by himself." I muttered, Yaz pulled me into a gentle hug, the others joining as well. I dropped the paper onto the floor and tried my best to hug all of them at once.

"We have to find my dad...and Darius." Kenji finally said. I sighed at the fact he almost forgot about Darius and nodded regardless. We were going to go back to the MedBay, but we got stuck.

"Why are there Drones?" Sammy genuinely asked. I groaned and sat down against a tree.

"Oh shit." That's when it hit me, Darius was stuck in the building with Kash again.

"This isn't good." I stood up hearing the heavy door open to see Daniel Kon walking out with a wide smile and something in his hand.

"Dad!" Kenji tried to run to him but got stopped by the drones.

"Hello son." He said with a mischievous smile.

"Dad? What are you doing?" Kenji asked, Kash came out behind him with a BRADX.

"Why Hello, I hope you had a good time but we are back in business and Everytime you interupt our job your little friend won't have the best time with us." Kash walked in front of Mr. Kon putting his hands behind his back smiling. Yaz grabbed Sammy and backed away slowly, Kenji grabbed my wrist and pulled me away with Brooklyn.

"Wha- what are you doing!?" I said stumbling as Kenji ran faster and faster into the forest.

"We need to find Mae!!" Sammy yelled while running, Mae was still where she used to be. Which was where Mr. Kon and Kash were.

"I'm gonna guess they forced her to work with them." Brooklyn admitted, we stopped under a cliff to catch our breath.

"Shit shit shit shit." I said under my breath, Darius was stuck with Kash again. Yaz sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. Everyone joined soon after. I don't understand why they didn't understand why Kash didn't just kick us off the island. Why did he have to take Darius again? There was no reason to take Darius again. Maybe he wanted to torture us? I mean we did ruin his whole business. But why threaten us with him? What were they going to do with him?

YAYYYYY A NEW STORY this won't be as long as my other one (unless something happens) so I just hope you enjoy this as much as the last story!!!

Word Count: 1358

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