Meeting a new person

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(Oh how is this gonna go?)

Soon J and V came back and if you guessed it well congratulations you get...

Nothing...anyway V immediately ran towards Z holding something it was a phone and a head set very surprisingly to see those around on this planet but the phone was broken so that's depressing but anywho she gave the head set to Z since that actually worked while J was placing body's in the pile.
V: hey Z look what I got ya.
V: mhm found it in a house I'll tell ya there was some good stuff that would be cool if it wasn't broken but luckily these work. All you gotta do is plug this into the side of your head and there.
Z: huh?.....
V: yeah idk why we have a head phone socket either here.
She hands the head phones to Z and of course she put them on and then went to her file called


And she started playing some music and a music symbol even showed up on her visor.
(This is the song she is listening to)

(You can't escape me)
Then she paused the song and replied to her sister.
Z:....I'm surprised this works....thanks
V: (UwU)
Z: stop it.......
V: okay heh.
Then she sneakily grabbed a dead worker and started munching on it while J was...doing something...then V went back to Z with an idea.
(Oh I wonder what that is.)
V: hey...Z
Z: yeah?....
V: why don't we play a teeny tiny prank on N?
Z: how?
V: you know how you can scream like really weirdly?
Z: yeah?
V: why don't you scare N with that?
V: yes okey here's on how we're gonna do it. I'm gonna destruct him while you jump-scare him got it?
Z: (nods)
V: good heheheh oh this is gonna be good...
She tried to locate N and after finding him she starts talking about or weather questioning on how N kills his prey while Z was sneaking up on him.

Soon she got close enough to clutch onto N's shoulders and scream in his ear.

V: (laughing)
Z: (laughing)
Then they accidentally made a mistake because N actually looked like he was having a panic attack and J suddenly came rushing in on N's heavy breathing.
V: Z scared the living hell out of N (laughing)
J: Omg you IDOITS!!! Don't you know how god dam HARD IT IS TO CALM HIM DOWN!!!?
V: huh?
J: THATS IT! Z your not coming to the next hunt you hear me!!!
Z: what.....
J: you Scared N and now I have to calm him DOWN!!! And that's nearly impossible to do so if you don't want to stay here then don't do stupid stuff like that!!!
V: but it wasn't her fault! I was the one who suggested it!
J: but she followed your stupid order so It's her fault live with it!!! Ugh come on N you pile of useless scrap.

J takes N outside as his body shivers in fear while the 2 sisters look at J in disbelief and V face plamed her visor.
V: I'm sorry Z... but still I should technically be the one that should be staying not you how does that work. this all I have to do for a punishment?.....
V: can only eat oil if your on 20% J will know if you have eaten one she is a mastermind of spotting things.
Z: oh......
V: yeah, I'm seriously sorry Z.
Z: was worth it...
V: aww there's my little killing maniac
V starts to hug Z with her Jeff the killer smile and her wide eyes that she would put on her face if she was killing workers.

(Murderdrones) what if V had a sister?Where stories live. Discover now