chapter 1:the death

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Matt's pov:

Hello I'm matt at least that's what everyone calls me my real name Matthew and I'm gay but it's secret to everyone except for my friend group because when I came out to my old 2nd friend group and I came out to them and that's how I lost them but now it's all fine but yeah,I was walking back home with charlie and we came across a man who was giving out news papers and then charlie takes one and I look at it

Addison Roland woods found dead in Tampa Florida with a knife jabbed into her back we are now watching over the crime scene trying to find out who did it but as we know he's is a man and seen to be at least 5'6 if anyone has any other information about the man please contact *insert phone number* rest in peace Addison

"Damn that's cruel wasn't Addison Fernandos little sister?" Charlie asked "yeah I wonder if he knows" I said as I said that Fernando came running over to us crying as he hugged me "m-my sister died my poor little sister" he cried in my arms,I have always had a crush on Fernando but I could never confess to him because I knew he would never ever what so ever like me back "Matt?matt?Matt?! MATTHEW!?!?" I snapped out of my daze and I realized I was staring at Fernando for just a bit too long "OH! uh yeah I'm listening f-fernando" I rambled

Charlies pov:

"Ooh love birds" I teased I love teasing matt everyone knows he loves Fernando but he just won't confess "CHARLIE THATS NOT A THING TO SAY WHEN MY LITTLE SISTER JUST DIED SHE GOT MURDERED" Fernando yelled I apologized "*sighs* maybe you should just stay with Leslie and Bennie for a little while to recover" I recommended to Fernando "ok ok I'll go see Leslie and Ben" he said as he walked away,I look at matt and he's hardcore blushing"is something bothering you~" I teased "NO it's just *sigh* I have a huge crush on him but I can't date him he's straight I think he's dating dd" matt said "calm down matt ok Wana go and get some ice cream and go home it's really late outside" I asked "let's go to the local gas station and buy some ice cream but y'know I can't believe Addison was killed while she was on vacation but isn't our friend Jeff 5'6 and didn't he go with Addison to Tampa?-OH MY GOD JEFF COULD HAVE MURDERED ADDISON-" matt blurted out starting to have an anxiety attack "calm down matt it's just a coincidence Jeff was meeting his old friends and family and he came home before Addisons death was official" I calmed matt down "ok ok yeah that's it now let's go get the ice cream and go home to Maddie lilly and Mason" matt said "alright let's go then" I said as we went to go and get ice cream and went home and fell asleep

Matt's pov

I woke up with a shooting pain in my side I look to my side and see a knife jabbed into my side along with pool of blood "WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed waking charlie up as she ran to my dorm busting the door open and almost throwing up asking if I was ok and panicking "NO FUCKING SHIT CHARLIE TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL" I screamed as I panted

*At the hospital*

Matt's pov

I keep panting until the doctors came in and put one of those masks on my nose and mouth knocking me out as the doctors done surgery because the knife was so deep in his left kidney so they has to remove was failing a bit anyway so it would have to be removed

*After the surgery*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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