chapter 14: old habits.

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All Y/n sees is red. Not the bloody demon he's chocking out.

he punches the emu in the face and lands on his back. Y/n walks over and stomps on grime's face. He smiles when there's the loud crack of a broken beak. Y/n felt a urge to kill that he hasn't felt in years. He walks to the demon and breaks one of his fingers. Then gently maves to the next one and the next. the barn doesn't notice demons that stare in horror of his carnage. Not even his lover who's badly hurt. His heart screams for vengeance.he wraps his hands around the emu throat. His heart Pounding in his ears his grip tightens he want to look in this son of a bitch eyes and watch the life fade. He feels grime trying to breathe. He should rid the world of trash like this. He's so pathetic. He killed Salina. He doesn't deserve to live

He didn't notice when Charlie ran up to him shouting his name. He was too far gone. She and vaggie grab both his arms and pull with little results.

"How is he this fuckin strong." Vaggie yells.

"Y/n you have to stop please!" Charlie begs

Y/n ignores them.

"Salina needs you! Look alive! She needs medical assistance as soon as possible!" Charlie says.

Y/n grip losses at the mention of his lover. He blinks in surprise before giving her his full attention.

"What?" He asks.

"Salina alive but she's bleeding bad she needs help." Y/n turns his head to look. He sees husk using using bar rags to put pressure on her chest. He notice her chest raising and falling with a large pool growing by the second.

"History is repeating itself..."

The baron is by her side in a second." Bullet went clean trough missed her heart by a few inches but she needs help now!" Husk says.

The lizard demon was coughing up blood and barely kept her eyes open. Cursing, y/n took off his jacket and started wrapping it around Salina to stop the bleeding until he got he help.


" Shush, Don't talk save your strength."

Y/n stretches out his hand and picks up Selina. a portal of fire opens a few feet away y/n throws the attempted killier in first then rushed through it. Leaving the shocked party goers alone. Non-notice a figure take the gun.



"Baron y/n what happened?!"

"Salina been shot get doctor Quinn now! And send word to the dungeon that a guest is coming." The imp doesn't waste time immediately running to get the doctor. Y/n looks at Salina seeing her start to pale. Not a minute sooner a full medical team burst in with a stretcher. A dragon demon with black scales leads.

"My lord we came as soon as we could please set her down." Y/n dose so without question." Patient has an unstable heart rate! From lack of blood I need fluids stat I want her in surgery now!" Quinn yells to his team. They go down the hallway to the medical wing of the mansion.

Y/n form reverts back to normal. He raises his hand seeing his lover blood staining them he looks down at the pice of shit responsible for all of this. "Alexander!" Y/n screams. A demons with a missing arm and eye with silver armor with gold trim appears in a cloud of smoke.

"You call."

I want you to take this filthy to the dungeon. abisai has already informed them of a arrival I'll be there shortly.

"Yes master." The knight nods grabbing the arm of the emu. Alexander drags him away until out of sight. Y/n took deep breaths he hasn't had a melt down since his days as a mortal. He made his way to his room and looks himself in the mirror he sees the few scars that litter his body and the look of exhaustion on his face. He uses the wash room and changes his ruin clothes for a white t and black jeans. Y/n walks in the hallway and sees a painting that has fire damage and decay but still fills him with grief even all this centuries later.

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