chapter 13: hazbin ball part 2

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The two pairs started to dance, and in a few minutes, Y/n and Salina found themselves in the middle of the dance floor.

"How're you so good at this ?" The lizard demon asked as they swayed to the music

"Five years of dance lessons from my mother. Hated them. But they had thier uses."

Y/n wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand in the other. Salina head rested in his waist.

Y/n gave her a small spin and she giggled. The music came to an end that ended their dance.

. Everyone became quiet as they turned to the source of the sound. It was Charlie on a small stage they set up earlier.

"Welcome everyone. So glad all of you could make it. Welcome to the happy hotel. We would like to remind you sign up is in the front desk"

Charlie continues to go on about the hotel activities and other things for the next hour." Y'know she's gonna find out it's impossible for a demon to get redeemed. So why are you really helping her y/n. Salina looks at the baron. As the demon came up with a answer someone interrupted the conversation.


Y/n turns to see a bird demon in a black hoodie with anger in his eyes looking at y/n

"I'm sorry but do I know you." Y/n raises a brow

"Of fuckin course you do. You killed my father and took his entire territory, territory that should be mine!"

"Son I've killed a lot of people father's back in the day. Your have to be more specific."

"Derangi you fuck! Ring any bells."

"Oh, yes now I do. He was that emu demon that cried like a bitch when I broke his leg and kicked him out of his house."

The kid looked furious."Tonight the night you meet you end. The took out a handgun that had strange markings that y/n had never seen aiming it at him.

A loud pop gose off as Y/n rushed grabbing the barrel pointing at the ceiling. he crushes the gun and the demons hand. The attacker curses and grips his hand to his chest. Y/n didn't feel any pain so he new he hasn't been hit.

screaming turned his attention to the group. Black thick blood stains the floor growing every second.

Thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

Y/n heart was beating hard against he chest realizing that Salina had been shot and was bleeding to death. His shake with rage as his sharp nails gripped into fists that were starting to draw blood

With a loud, angry cry that echoed across half of Hell itself, the entire ground shook with y/n s' demonic power. The windows started to crack. The hotel was lit with such hellish intensity that parts of it were starting to come apart. Scaring the living shit out of everyone.

Y/n body began to change. His body grew larger and his teeth sharper his wingspan grew wider until he was no longer recognizable his eyes flashed a bright red and the whole room grew dark. Y/n went on all fours until he was face to face with the petrified attacker.



"Well shit."

Short I know, but I will make the next chapter longer, but I don't want to be stuck forever again so I made it a rush job.

Thanks for all the support it helps me continue. and I will see you next time."


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Hell's Knight hazbin hotel x male reader(Old Version) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt