"I- I think I do, but I don't really understand it," Freya admitted, averting Astrids eyes in shame. She understood what Freya was feeling, and knew that there was no way of stopping these feelings. If she was being honest, she could definitely understand it from an outsiders perspective. They were quite similar, as they put strength of mind above the strength of body, and they were both similar ages.

"Deep down, your gut is telling you what is right. I know how calculated you are, but trust me, follow your gut, and do what you need to do," Astrid said, instilling confidence and guidance in Freya. A small smile made it's way onto Freya's face and she went to hug the Hofferson girl, standing up with her.

"There's just one more thing, if you don't mind, that is. When we go to infiltrate Johann's base can you trail behind to make sure both Hiccup and I don't do anything stupid?" Freya asked during the hug. Astrid laughed and agreed, making Freya exceptionally happy to have her as a friend.


. I really hope Astrid doesn't sound too out of character I'm just trying to give her more char development I hope u don't mind


"Hey, Freya, Stoick sent a Terror Mail for you and Hiccup," Fishlegs said, entering the hut with Hiccup and Astrid behind him. Hiccup took the scroll and laid out a map that came along with the terror mail, and began reading the note. Astrid and Freya exchanged a look, already knowing what the letter would contain. Hiccup snapped them out of their thoughts.

"My dad wants Freya and I to fly to this island and meet him here," Hiccup said, holding the note in one hand and pointing to the island Freya had flown to last night on the map. "He says he found a dragon eye lens on this exact island and wants us to go alone"

Freya had to wiggle Astrid in there and make sure she could trail behind. To do this, she may have to give the idea that it could possibly not be Stoick and just hope he would give in to curiosity.

"Say, it's not much like dad to have us go completely alone. Maybe Astrid should trail behind from a distance just in case and if anything happens, one of us can use a distress signal and she would be there to help," Freya said, perfectly pushing her agenda without seeming obvious to anyone, except Astrid who already knew of the plan. Hiccup thought for a moment, liking the idea.

"Good idea, Astrid you don't mind, right?" Hiccup asked, turning to Astrid in the process. Astrid shared a smile with Freya before turning her full attention to Hiccup.

"Not at all, she raises a good point. I'll be staying on these islands nearby, just in case," Astrid said, pointing out islands on the map to give Hiccup more clarity. The whole time Fishlegs was floored by the kindness being shared between Freya and Astrid. He could have sworn they hated each other. The abnormal situation made him slightly uncomfortable, anticipating a fight to break out between the two any second, but surprising to him, it would never come.

Just then, Snotlout and the twins walked into the hut. Snotlout was incredibly annoyed and was glaring at the twins while they had a pleading look on their face while asking him to witness their record.

"What's going on here? Why wasn't I invited?!" Snotlout said, with an angered tone while trying to ignore the twins.

"Stoick wants Hiccup and Freya to fly alone to this island for a dragon eye lens," Astrid clarified, encouraging Snotlout to look at the map where she pointed.

"Alright, don't get killed. Be back before dinner, I'm not making it tonight," Snotlout said, only interested in making sure they would make dinner later while yawning. Just as he was about to walk out, the twins ran in front of him once again and began pleading more, making him run out with the twins following close behind.

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