Numero uno: the new kid

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The sound of the alarm filled your ears with pain and your stomach with dread as you faded back into consciousness and got hit with the realization that today was Monday.

Ah Mondays, how you hated them. Mondays had boring subjects and boring routines and tiring people. Most school days did, but Mondays were especially terrible, the week should start at Tuesday instead, no one cares about Tuesday, right? I mean, come on, two days to rest? The problem here lied in the fact that Saturday was spent dreading Sunday but Sunday was spent dreading Monday.

It made no sense, nope, none at all. You thought, as you laid on your bed with your rushing thoughts and slight headache. Said rushing thoughts were then promptly interrupted by the voice of your caretaker.

The yelling of your name by their voice only worsened your state, as you felt yourself melting deeper into the mattress becoming nothing but a pile of goo with no purpose in life other than to dread the doors of their high school.

Eventually you heard footsteps getting dangerously close to the mess of a place you called your room, and you instinctively jumped right off the bed and practically zoomed to your drawers to dress for the day.

After a satisfying breakfast and a quick fixing of your hair, you brushed your teeth put your sneakers on (yes that was a kpop reference.) and went off to explore the wo- I mean, got on the bus, to school. Yay!!..

Time skip to class brought to you by Madame Goldlove's big buff lady arms

Ah yes, geography, my favorite, you said to no one in particular as you entered the classroom of the wicked Mr Humphrey.

You looked around and quickly found a spot on the third row second line from the door. You sat down and took stuff out from your backpack preparing mentally for an hour of boring rambling from a middle aged man. He didn't even try to make it sound interesting, you know?

Just as you were done preparing your desk for work the aforementioned middle aged man entered the classroom, although he was being accompanied by a new face, a young boy with short dark hair and thick eyebrows.

Judging by his appearance, (mostly his outfit) you determined you two would probably get along, he wore average shoes, some average shorts, and a red shirt beneath his gamer chad hoodie. He was just missing a baseball cap and you've got it, gamer boy.

Mr Humphrey explained he was the new kid although you felt it was pretty obvious judging by well, everything.

He introduced himself as 'player' and mr Humphrey shut him down immediately, looking down at him like some sort of nuisance. (Also aha! you knew it was a gamer!)

To be quite honest you didn't think someone should be a high school teacher if they hated children that much, like, they really should've thought of that before ruining the lives of so many poor innocent children.

Moving on, 'player' started his reintroduction before being abruptly cut off by the beeping of his own phone.
Once again, Humphrey scolded him with a look of disgust and agonizing pain as he went to shut it off, but then that was abruptly cut off by the beeping of an iPad and soon enough his backpack sounded more like a torture device than an item for educational storage purposes.

The second hand embarrassment murdered every other person in the room, god was this painful to watch.

He ran off saying he'd put it all in his locker but with that amount of calls you truly doubted he didn't pick up at least for a bit.

After that, the day continued as normal and eventually everyone got to go home.

Once you were back to your humble abode, you got your homework done, you ate dinner and off to sleep. Now to wait for tomorrow.......

GAMER CHAD BFFS🔥🥶🥶😎 A platonic Player x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now