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Onika pov:

"I don't know what to do" I said to chanel.

"Do what you really wanna do. When you picture yourself in the future is beyonce there or are you alone ?" she said.

"Lately i've just been alone" I said with a shrug.

"Is that what you want ?" she asked "I don't know... Kinda"

"Be honest with yourself cookie. It's the only way you're gonna be able to make this decision" she said and I sighed heavily.

"I really think I want the divorce but I don't wanna look back later and be sad I ain't stay" I said honestly.

I love beyonce, everything about her makes me ten times more happy than anybody else.

But I do still do feel like out love expired. I think beyonce knows that too and she just wants to cling on to what we had.

"Ok I made up my mind" I said pulling my phone out.

"What you doing ?" she asked. "I'm gonna send beyonce a text with my answer" I said going to her contact.

"That's how you wanna deliver the news ?" she asked . "Yup. Just a quick text to get it over with" I said nodding.

"Welp now I know what you chose" she said. "Mommy when are we gonna go back home ?" xion asked walking in.

"We are home baby" I said and he frowned.

"No I mean with mommy and blue" he said. I sighed "We're not going back xion"

"Why ? I like it over there" he said. I looked over at chanel as a way of asking for help.

"Uhh- Well your moms are ready to be on their own now. I'm sure you'll still be able to go visit there though" she said and I nodded agreeing with her.

His frowned deepened and his face scrunched "i don't like it like this" he mumbled walking away.

I felt myself starting to frown too "Don't worry about it cookie, they'll get use to it"

I nodded knowing she was right. I just hope my decision is right also.

Beyonce pov:

I stood outside across from the last dude on my list house waiting for him to come out.

While I waited I played I spy with myself just to pass by time. The game was more interesting when you had other people playing though.

"I spy with my little eyeee, something dead" I said then started laughing watching the man walk out.

I grabbed my gun that was aleady ready to go lifting it up. Now usually i'm all for the torture but not this time.

I wanted them dead. Right to the point.

I started shooting at him shooting his neck and below that way he would die but not right away.

Give him some time to think about what he's done.

When I was finished I sprinted off going to the alley where I parked at and hopped in my car taking the mask off.

I drove a distance away from the house then powered my phone on.

I seen a text from nika saying she wanted the divorce and sighed heavily turning my phone off.

I knew she wanted it. I went ahead and got the papers for it.

Plus I finished up what I wanted to do before I left, i'm good.

I drove home waiting for the guards to open the gates. When they did I drove in then got out the car.

I walked in the house throwing my keys on the couch. I went into the kitchen filling my cup up with something strong then walked over to the papers on the table.

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