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Beyonce pov:

I watched them lower keri casket with a blank face.

When it got to the bottom I sighed throwing a picture of us down there and looked away before I cried.

The preacher tried to give me the mic and I glared at him "i told you i don't want to fucking sing"

"Just leave her alone"melvin said pushing his hand.

I looked at melly crying and rolled my eyes. Should've been his ass instead of her.

"I'm ready to go" I said grabbing my purse. "Give me my keys" I held my hand out to solo.

"Bey-"Give me the damn keys solange" I cut her off.

She took a deep breath holding them out to me and I snatched them walking away from everybody.

"Beyonce !" I heard but I ignored who ever it was.

"bey slow down" they grabbed me and I quickly turned around to see kelly.

"What is it kelly ?" I asked. "You sure you wanna leave ? You don't want to go to the get together"

"No I don't." I said dryly. "Bey we know you're hurting but-"Who's hurt ? I'm fan fucking tastic" I cut her off.

"Bey.." "I just realllyyy wish y'all would leave me alone. Like forreal" I said crossing my arms.

"We just care for you" she said reaching out to me but I pulled back. "I don't want y'all care. Leave me alone"

I walked away going to my car getting in. I stared at the wheel for a little then broke down putting my head against it.

I just can't believe this shit.

I should've died that night. I almost did, keri should've let me die.

I heard knocking on my window and I sniffed wiping my face before lifting it up to see dre standing there.

I sighed heavily letting the window down "What ?"

"I wanted to check on you.. are you ok ?" he said making my face scrunch up.

"Do I look ok ?" I asked tilting my head. "...no"

"Wow thanks for the compliment" I scoffed looking away from him.

"Bey I just want to be here for you" he sighed. "That's the thing I don't want nobody here for me ! I want some fucking space !" I snapped.

"I know how close you and keri was... handling this on your own is gonna drive you crazy" he said but I ignored him starting my car.

"You betta move before I crush yo foot" I said dryly. He quickly moved back and I sped off in the direction to my house.

I reached over grabbing my bottle popping it open. I poured some out the window for keri then drunk out of it.

When I got home the gate was closed and I honked my horn rushing the guards. The gate opened and I drove in.

I seen onika car while I was getting out my car making me groan slamming the door.

When I walked inside I seen onika sitting on the couch "Get out" I said dryly walking past her.

"Wait bey" she said jumping up coming over to me.

"I wanna move back in". I scoffed looking her up and down.

"You wanna move back in ?? Why ? Because keri died ?" I said crossing my arms.

"I couldn't get yo ass to even drive over here at first, now all of a sudden you wanna move back in"

"I think that I should be here with you" "Yea well I think you're full of shit" I shrugged.

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