There's A Chance We're Going to Disneyland

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Chris arched a brow and smirked. "What will we do?"

"Dinner and cuddles?"

"You read my mind Angel." He placed his hand on the small of her back and headed back to the elevator. "I need to talk to you as well."

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah, just, my agent called. I got a couple of offers for spots."

Becca swallowed. "Oh. Ok, where?"

Chris opened their door and ushered her in. "Well, there is one from Las Vegas, one from San Francisco, one from Boston and from Pittsburgh."

"What? Oh my... Chris that is amazing!" She hugged him. "Wow. So where did you decide?"

"I haven't. Angel, you know I wouldn't make this decision without you."

Becca's eyes shown. "Oh Chris, but your future..."

"Is with you and Charlie. Angel, we make this decision together. Now, the papers are in my bag and since you are way smarter than me, you tell me which is better."

Becca giggled. "Ok." Chris pulled all of the offers and Becca read through them. "Well, this offer from Las Vegas is a joke."

Chris chuckled. "Ryan said that much more colorfully. So, Las Vegas out." Becca nods with a smile. She keeps reading. "I mean the best offers are from Boston and Pittsburgh."

"That's what I thought as well. Maybe we should wait until after the game."

"I think so too. We have a big weekend ahead of us."

"I love you, Angel." He kissed her forehead.


Avery and Rick landed the next day and was met by Becca, Chris and Charlie. "Hey sweetie!" Avery kissed her daughter's cheek and then Chris. "You guys didn't have to come get us."

"Yes, we did," Chris said as he heard a call from someone else.

"Yo! Dumbass!" Becca turned to see Scott waving for them.

"Yeah, that's why," Chris said as he hung his head. He turned towards Scott. "Hey! Was that necessary?"

Scott reached his brother and gave him a hug. "Keeps you humble."

"Hi honey," Lisa was right behind Scott. They hugged and Lisa went to greet Becca and Charlie. They hugged hard with Charlie clinging to her coat. "Hello my darling."

"Hi Nana Lisa. Come meet my gamma." Charlie pulled the woman to the other couple.

"Hi I'm Lisa, Chris's mom."

"Hello, I'm Avery, this is Rick, we are Becca's parents." Avery looked at the woman and opened her arms. "It's so nice to meet you." The women hugged as Becca and Chris watch.

"Told you Angel."

"Whatever," she replied with a smile.


As the teams got closer to the big day, Chris was getting more and more nervous. Of course, he was nervous about the game, but he had other things on his mind. As he was walking down to breakfast, he spotted the one person he needed to speak to.

"Rick? Do you have a moment?"

"Sure, Chris, what's up?"

"Umm, can we walk?" He headed out to the pool deck of the hotel. It was abandoned as it was cold for Los Angeles. "I needed to talk to you about something."

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