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I was still sitting on the mattress picking my lips when I heard footsteps and the light coming on, I ran to the hallway and hide. I peek around the corner and see The Grabber carrying an unconscious Finney. How isn't he dead. He should be dead. "Hey, what was all that noise I heard?" "Samson was barking at something. Its nothing. Go back to bed, Max." I heard the door bang shut and I heard it lock and soon as I heard that I practically ran over to Finney. I turned him around, he was still unconscious and his nose was bleeding, I went in to the bathroom and took some toilet paper. I lay his head on my lap and I cleaned up his nose. I flushed the bloody toilet paper and went back to Finney, I gently put his head on my lap again and started playing with his hair, it's something I've found really comforting lately. Eventually I drifted off to sleep while playing with his hair.

*Time Skip*

Finney started to stir which woke me up. "Son of a bitch." I watched him get up and look at his blood covered shirt. "Your nose was bleeding." I yawn and stretch my arms. "I cleaned it as best as I could." "Thankyou" Finney shot me a sweet smile that brought butterflies to my stomach and I couldn't help but blush and smile back. The phone started ringing and Finney looked up at it. "No. Fuck you. Goddamn it." Finney stood up and answered the phone as I moved to the edge of the mattress, Finney sat next to my and put his hand on my thigh to stabilize himself. "What? You gonna say something? Do you even know who you are?" "What the shit kind of question is that? Do you even know who you are?" I feel something appear behind me, I turn around, Vance Hopper, he looked at me and all I felt was guilt. "I'm Finney Blake." "Yeah, well, nice to fucking meet you, Finney Blake. Right here. This is it." "This is what?" "The horrifying nightmare end of your pathetic little life." Finney looked at me eyes open wide. "Holy shit. You're Vance Hopper. I remember you. You used to scare me." "Trust me, Finney Blake, if you knew what you had coming, you'd be fucking terrified. Todays the day, motherfucker. Have you tried stacking the carpets to reach the window?" "I've tried everything." "No, not everything. When The Grabber saw what I had done, that was it. And he took his time with me, too." I felt my heart break even more, these boys have been through so much. "What did you do?" "Oh, that fucker had to spend a fortune to repair all the damages." "What did you do?" "I'm getting to that, cunt wad! Or do you have some other important shit you have to do right now, like make out with your girlfriend?" Finney stood up facing away from me "No, no, no, no, I'm-I'm listening." I look up at Finney and saw him avoiding eye contact, could he be...blushing? "There's an outlet in the shitter, across from the john." "Yeah, I've seen it." "On the other side of that wall, there's a storage room. You cant get into that room, because there's a big ass upright freezer in the way." "Okay." "Break into the wall about two feet above the outlet till you get to a panel with screws in it. Get the panel off, you're into the freezer." " And then out into the storage room. Thank you." I stood up and stood beside Finney. "For what?" "For helping me." "Helping you? This isn't about you. Fuck him!" Finney scrunched his face up and dropped the phone, he put his hands over his ears and fell into me, I hug him and held him against my chest to muffle whatever sound he was hearing. The bottles started shaking and flew towards me and Finney, I hugged him tighter and put my back to the glasses to protect him from any shards of glass. Not long after he calms down and I let go of him. "Sorry." He looked down shyly. "Don't apologize we're in this together Finn." I smiled at him and he returned it. Finn started to walk over to the bathroom and I followed him, he took the toilet roll off the top of the toilet and lifted up the lid, he went over to the place Vance was talking about and started hitting, the wall started crumbling pretty quickly but after a while I could tell he was getting tired. "Let me take over." He looked at me. "Thankyou." I nod and he hands me the lid, I start hitting the wall over and over again. Finney walked over and took a drink from the back of the toilet. We kept taking turns and eventually Finney makes it through and starts digging the rest of the drywall out, he tries to unscrew the bolts with his light but it doesn't work. I go over to the toilet and unscrew the float arm and throw it on the ground I got to the other side of the toilet and unscrew the flat bit of the trip lever and take it off, I go over to Finney and give it to him. "Here, use this." "Thanks" He uses it to unscrew all the bolts. He takes the panel off and then the vent and throws it away, he throws out some meat and climbs in to the freezer, there's nothing I can do to help so I sit in the corner and wait, Finney starts throwing himself against the door, after a minute I hear him stop and I look up to see him climbing out. "What's wrong-" He moves over to me and hugs me crying into my chest, I take a minute to register what's happening before I hug him back and put my chin on his head. "It's okay Finn, it's okay." Not long after we hear the phone ring and he sits up, I wipe his tears away and give him a reassuring nod, I stand up and help him and head over to the phone.

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