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Finney Blake P.O.V

I held my light tighter and pointed it towards the voice, a girl in a F/C blood stained shirt, bloody denim shorts and F/C converse stood there (You can change the outfit if you want), her legs and arms are covered in blood as well as her H/L, H/C hair, her eyes looked lifeless and she looked sickly. "What." "I told you it's not going to open, he locked it from the outside." She leaned against the wall as I pushed past her to get into the hallway behind her, I turned on the light, in the room there was a toilet and some rolled up tarps, I walked past her again as she watched me intently, I went over to a phone beside the mattress and put it up to my ear and turned the dial, surprise, it didn't work, I lay down on the mattress just about ready to give in to sleep when I felt something sit behind me.


I watched him try to get the phone to work before he laid down on the mattress, I was just going to leave him alone but I knew I couldn't, I walked over to the boy and sat down beside him. "Don't give up just yet." I put a comforting hand on his back. "Why not?" I laughed. "There's two of us now, maybe we could get out." He sat up and turned to look at me. "Who are you?" "I'm..." I paused and looked down thinking. "Y/N...Y/N L/N. What's your name?" I looked back up at him waiting. "Finney Blake." I thought for a bit. "Finney...that's a nice name, can I call you Finn for short." "Yeah sure. How long have you been down here." "Hours, days, weeks, months, years...I lost count." "I don't think I remember hearing about you going missing." "Yeah...I don't think anyone does, I don't even think anyone realised I was gone. D/N, my...dad was an alcoholic and one day he killed my mom in a car crash when he was driving under the influence, I was in and out of foster homes when they gave up and sent me to a home for troubled girls, I stayed there for 4 years before I had enough, I spent months planning my escape and after all my planning I was able to escape and they never looked for me I started working in markets for little money and eventually I made it to north Denver in 1977. I stayed in an abandoned house for a while until one night when I was on a walk I was grabbed by him. I spent ages trying to get out but eventually I gave up. So I didn't really exist to anyone which is why I was never reported missing." "I'm really sorry." "It's fine. At least I get food and soda here." I started laughing to lighten the mood, Finn joined in but stopped to yawn. "Get some sleep. You've had a bit of a long day." As soon as I said that he laid down on the mattress and fell asleep. I looked at his sleeping form. "You're getting out of here. I promise you that."

*Time Skip*

Finney Blake P.O.V

I woke up to the phone ringing, I couldn't see Y/N anywhere so I stood up and answered the phone but there was nothing on the other end. "It doesn't work. Not since I was a kid." I put the phone down at my side. "Hang it up." The lights turned on. "I know you're scared and you want to go home. Ill take you home soon." "its just that. Oh, everything's all fucked up. I got to be upstairs for a while. Somethings come up." I looked at him. "What?" "Never mind what." I was hopeful at this point that someone saw me get took by him. "Did someone see something? Are the police coming? If you let me go before they get here, I promise I wont tell." He starts laughing."Its not the police." "Someone, though? Someones coming? Ill scream. If someones upstairs, theyll hear me." "No, he wont. Not with the door shut." "He?" "With the door shut, no one can hear anything down here. I soundproofed it myself. So shout if you like. You wont bother anyone." The grabber started to close the door as I was thinking. "Youre the one who killed the others. Bruce. Robin." He stepped closer. "That wasnt me. That was someone else. I will never make you do anything that you wont like." It was at this point I started to get scared. "If you try to touch me, Ill scratch your face. And whoevers coming will see and ask why." He put his hands to his face and looked up. "This face. Hang up the phone now." I turned around and put the phone back on the holder. "I was down here once when it rang. Ooh. Creepiest damn thing. I think its static electricity that does it. It went off while I was right next to it. I picked it up without thinking. To see if anyone was there." "Was there?" He shook his head and any hope I still had left me. "No." He left and locked the door again, I walked to the middle of the room and started screaming. "Help! Help! Please! Help!" "You should listen more, he just said it was soundproof Finn." I looked at her angrily I looked around and saw a window I started jumping up at it to try and break it. I went over to the mattress and tried to move it the window. "Stop. Stop. Stop it. If anyone couldve broke that window, they already wouldve done it. Robin wouldve done it. Youre not getting out of here. Im not getting out of here." "You give up really easily" Y/N walked over to me and put her hand on my back. The phone rang and I jumped up. Y/N looked at me weirdly before going to the phone. "Hello? Hello?" She put the phone down. "See, nothing." She sat back on the mattress and I went over and laid down drifting off to sleep again.

*Time Skip*

"Stop it." "Stop what?" I sprung up and scurried back. He was just sitting there staring. "Im hungry. I need food." "How are your eyes?" "They hurt." He puts his hand under his chin then on his knees as he stands up. "Well, I cant bring you anything to eat. Youll have to wait." "Is there someone upstairs who will see you bring me food?" "Dont you worry about that." "If you werent gonna feed me, whyd you even come down here?" "Just to look at you. I just wanted to look at you. Ill go." The door shuts and Y/N comes out from the hallway." "Why do you always hide when he is around." She looks down avoiding eye contact. "I'm...scared...of him." She warps her arms around herself and I feel and twinge of pain in my heart. I walk up and pull her into a hug, I feel her hug me back and we stay like that swaying for a few minutes until the phone rings. I walk over slowly to it YN following closely behind me smiling, I answer the phone and I hear static. "Hello? Is somebody there? i need help. Hello?" "Finney." I hang up the phone and scurry backwards against a wall. The phone rings again and Y/N comes over and helps me up and brings me over to the phone. I pick the phone up again and all I hear is static. "Dont hang up." I look over at Y/N for reassurance "I wont. Who is this?" "I dont remember my name." "Why not?" "Its the first thing you lose." "First thing you lose when?" "You know when." "How do you know my name?" "We met once. Your arm is mint. You almost had me." I look at Y/N shocked as she looks confused. "Bruce? Bruce Yamada?" "Yeah. Bruce. Uh, Im Bruce. Your arm is mint. You almost had me." "Did the phone ring for you?" "It rang, but none of us heard it. Just you.The Grabber hears the phone, too, but he doesnt want to believe it." "Why are you calling me?" "Your arm is mint. You almost had me. Im glad its you. Finney?" "Yeah?" "Theres a dirt section of the floor in the hallway where the tile is loose." "Okay." "Dig down underneath the foundation. I tried, but there wasnt time for me to dig up and out the other side." "Will I have enough time?" Bruce goes silent then the phone clicks. I look at Y/N. "Hello? Bruce? Bruce? Bruce?" I hang up the phone.

A/N 1492 Another chapter done this one is also kind of long chapter so I hope you enjoy the next one should be out by tomorrow, peace out! -Jessi

In my heart (Finney Blake x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz