crase cafe

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toya was messing around on his phone until he came across a event. it was an upcoming event for a meteor shower, toya checked out what the site said. "i'm sure akito would want to go with me right?" he mumbled to himself. "i'll ask him later at sekai maybe" he signed under his breath.

toya arrived at sekai, opening to door to see an and kohane sitting with akito and everyone else besides akito and miku. "hey guys" toya mumbled out walking over to the group. "an move. let me get up" akito said staring at her. "mmm.. no!" she said to mess around. akito pushed an lightly off the booth making her fall (goddamn why did she ever do💔💔). "akito you didn't need to push her.." toya said after he noticed akitos actions. akito ignored what he said, jumping up and walking over to hug toya. kohane helped her girlfriend up and pulled her up to the seat hugging her. "an, are you okay? sorry he did that to you.." kohane asked. "yea, im alright after all i wasnt expecting any less it is akito after all!" she responded as she laughed a little, pulling back from the hug.

"can you not drag me, i can walk.." toya mumbled as he was quite literally being dragged by akito. "dude you were just standing there" akito responds. "you were walking over here so i stopped and waited-" toya told him, trying to stand up. the virtual singers by this time already left the cafe and we're sitting outside talking about whatever tf they talk about. "akito.. stop dragging.. him, im sure it hurts his wrist" kohane said, sorta anxious. toya was finally able to stand up and rubbed his wrist "ow..." he said as held it.

"that was extremely unnecessary" an added as toya slid into the booth, pulling akito with him as an laughed a bit. "so.. now what?" toya asked as akito laid his head on the others shoulder. akito gave an a little kick under the table, giving her a little signal. "so.. akito was wondering something important!" an said after akito kicked her. "mhm!" kohane sang in response. (akito told them a little plan thing? idek anymore bro..) "well, what is it then akito?" he wondered. "wanna go to the nearby park and have like.. a picnic?.." akito asked as he slowly grabbed toyas and and smiled. "oh.. sure!" toya happily responded as laid his head on akitos.

the virtual singers stood in the doorway smiling.



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back to the story, praise luka!

all the virtual singers looked at eachother and went back outside. len, miku, and rin jumped in excitement. meiko smiled and looked back inside at the group. kaito and luka looked at eachother and back inside then smiled. "i'm so proud of them but are they dating yet?" luka asked the other singers. "no. not that i know of, but if they don't get together soon someone's probably gonna set them up.

len opened the door and called for toya to come outside. "LEN DONT" meiko said and went inside. "toya, you don't need to come out here we're talking about things you don't need to know, don't listen to him" meiko tells toya, hoping he stays seated. "yea, i wouldn't trust him either, and i'm not getting up any time soon" toya told meiko hoping she goes back outside, and she did. "yea you better not get up. akitos asleep i think" an questioned.

"lenn! why would you try calling him out! they already planned something, i heard on my way out!" miku told len, giving him a 'wtff' glare. kaito turned and looked at luka "i have no idea so don't ask me i have no idea how to deal with them.." he said stepping back acting like the younger ones aren't about to start fighting again. "len and miku don't start fighting, we need to celebrate sooner or later when they do get together! so we need to plan something" luka told them, breaking miku away from len.

—back with the group of homos—

"i know an. i love him so i'm going to let him sleep, i wouldn't wake him up unless i need to" toya sighed. "oh my god! just ask him out already..!" an said. "an.. no need to get frustrated.." kohane said, hugging her from the side. "sorry kohane" an said apologizing to her girlfriend. "w-what? apologize to him not me.." kohane said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "oo! looks like someone's over heels!" toya said jokingly as he laughed a little at how much an was blushing.

"oh shut upppp as if you aren't madly inlove with akito" an finally responded. akito woke up and groaned "shut it.." he sat up and stared at an then looked at kohane. "yo toya? wanna go get stuff for the picnic from my house then head out to the park?" akito questioned, tightening the grip on toya hand a bit more. "of course, i'd enjoy that" he responded calmly smiling.


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