akitos sorta.. advice??

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— in street sekai, crase cafe —
3rd pov:

akito walked into meikos cafe, looking anxious. "akito! hello!" meiko said greeting him, walking over. "yo😈🙄😡🧡💕😟😳🤨💀🤪" akito responded to meiko, sitting down at a booth. "what did you need help with?" akito asked, looking over at meiko has she approaches him. "nothing. me and ena set you up and weres your boyfriend?" meiko said mysteriously. "what the fuck..? we're not dating and that's sorta why i'm here.." the ginger mf replied.

*really cool bell noises from the door*

"hey, len!" meiko said turning around to greet him. "hi!!" he says from the doorway, letting it close. "where's rin?" meiko asked the banana child. "she's coming here with kaito soon, they were at wonderlands sekai." len tells meiko. "okay but why is akito so like depressed like the girls in the empty sekai.. and where is toya?!"he added on. "he's having a crisis, he wants to tell toya he likes him but doesn't know how." meiko tells len, as kaito and rin walk in.

"oh so he's a pussy!!" len said, starting to giggle. "len don't say that." meiko told him. "but he-" "no." len tried to speak but meiko cut him off. "hello meiko, len, and akito" kaito said, standing against a table. "hi everyone!" rin says skipping over. "we were at wonderlands sekai and-" rin tried to say before getting cut off by len "shut up!" "where the hell is meiko?" akito asks, staring at the floor. "right here, why?" she replied to akitoe sliding him a plate of pancakes. "..can you guys help me, please.." he groaned, grabbing part of a pancake and eating it.

"oh sh-" len almost got into trouble again but rin covered his mouth before he could finish. "what was that len?" meiko said, glaring down at him like the girlboss she is. "sorry about them akito, but i need to go help tsukasa i'm sure when they sort everything out they can actually help" kaito tells akito before walking out. (kaito is actually lying he just dint wanna be in this mess) "cya" the ginger waved goodbye to kaito before he walked out. -extremely loud coughing noises-
"the fuckkk??" rin turned to akito and stared like he got possessed by a whole demon. "RIN!" meiko said, staring at her like she did to len.

"okay everyone hush, we need to help akito with his gay problems" meiko said, laughing. "but none of us are—" "len, im literally dating miku don't you dare say none of us are gay!" rin said, giving her twin brother some creepy ass look. "i'm also dating luka and kaito, it's a polyamorous relationship" meiko said added onto what rin told len. "rins a lesbian?" akito said, apparently shocked. "yea, im 14 and get more bitches then you, and len gets 0!" rin said laughing. "are you helping me or not?" akito said eating the rest of his pancake.

"akito, can you tell us what's going on with you two?" meiko asked, smiling. "i- uh" akito sat there not knowing how to explain, remembering when toya kissed him. (HOLY FUCK GUYS, AKITOS GAY AND SAME WITH AOYAGI HUGE SHOCKER!!?) "tell us! tell us!" rin and len said, sliding onto the booth.

"so, he called me asking to come over so, he came over. (he's trynna avoid the parts he's being gay) then we went to sleep because it was 26:00..." akito said, starting to blush a bit thinking about how he's gonna explain the next part. "that's it?" all 3 vocaloids asked. "well- uh no." akitoe said, nervously responding. "then what?!" the 2 twins asked, getting excited to hear. "i- uh- uhm- he" the gingerbread bitch started stuttering like a wattpad y/n. "HEEE????" the yellow banana asked.

"he was leaving to go to tsukasas house and he kissed me before he left, basically leaving me to melt and die" akito said before resting his head on his hands. "YOU KISSED?!" len and rin got up from excitement. "sit down" meiko said pulling their hands so they say back down. "he kissed me, i didn't know he was going to kiss me otherwise i- never mind."akito groaned. "do you have any plans with him?" meiko asked calmly. "no.." he responded in saddened tone.
len slid over next to akito and whispered something to him before sliding back over rin, giggling. akito soon started blushing like hell. "what do you said about toya to make him blush so madly?" meiko asked, giving len a death stare.

"hey akito! i think you should do a picnic date..? if you even like those kind of things?" rin suggested to him. "karaoke!"len said as soon as he thought about it. "honestly, i think you should take him to the arcade! you love seeing him happy and he loves the arcade right?" meiko quickly put out. "he does like the arcade a lot but i don't know.." akito replied. "he really loves you akito, he kissed you!" the 3 vocaloids say. akito stares at his phone, looking upset. "what's wrong?" len asked akito, looking at phone. "oh" len said. "jealousy huh! wish he hugged you like that?" len said and patted his back. "akito take him out to his favorite restaurant!" rin said, looking proud. "thank you for ideas guys. helped me a bit but how do i ask him to go with me?" akito asked nervously. "just say something like you were asking to go for fun? i mean you don't need to say it's a date?" the auto tuned gays told the gingerbread. akito pulled his phone form his pocket and clicked on toyas contacted, then hit call.

"kito! hi!" toya said excitedly. "can you come to meikos cafe? or are you still with saki and tsukasa.. also why were you hugging kamishiro? what's that about." akito questioned a bit upset. "can i can come to sekai, i just finished up with them. i was hugging kamishiro-senpai because he was helping me" then rui spoke, "no need to get jealous shinonome. you must like aoyagi so much you're jealous when i hug him?" "whatever. shut up kamishiro." akito said as he grumbles. "i'll be at sekai soon, cya there, bye!" toya said before the call beeped, indicating he hung up.

"now.. we wait, but please don't tell him about what we talked about!" akito said probably anxious len and rin would say something.

1,776 words, mainly vocaloids arguments but whatevvrrr

over 100 reads thank you sm💕

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