Chap 27. Embarrassment

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  After a week of healing, the wounds had turned into scars, Trevor had a sick scar on his stomach, you had a scar from your throat and, well, you haven't seen Michael yet. He was saying not to come over after getting the bandages taken off, saying he looked ugly and that you would never love him the same way. This was all over the phone, which only pissed you off, you stayed away for a bit to give him space but at this point to you, it was starting to get ridiculous after days of not seeing each other. "Hey, Trev! I'm going to Michael's house! I'll be back later." You yelled holding your bag closely to yourself. "Be safe!" Trevor yelled as you exited the door, whistling softly as you walked over to the bus stop.

  After what seemed forever on the bus, you got off and walked down to Henry's home, you actually like the cabin sort of style, it looked warm and cosy. Taking a big inhale of air, you walked up and knocked on the front door. Some shifting voices came from inside as you stood there awkwardly, soon the door opened, showing Elizabeth. "(Y/n)!" She yelled with excitement as she hugged your waist. You chuckled, hugging her back softly, "Hey Beth, where's Michael?" You asked softly as she pointed over to the couch. Looking inside, you saw the brown-haired mullet you grew to love, "Thanks, kid." Letting go of her, you walked up behind Michael and grabbed the sides of his cheeks from behind, causing him to look up at you softly.

  Your eyes widened at his face, there was a scar that ran from one bottom side of his face to the top of the other side like it was perfectly cut diagonally. "(Y/N)?!" He yelled, quickly pulling away from you and hiding his face with a pillow. "Whoa! Mike, calm down!" You yelled slightly, moving over the couch so you're in front of him while on your knees. "Why are you here?! I told you not to come here!" He yelled into the pillow, squirming away from your touch. "Why are you freaking out? Is it because of the scar?" Your tone lowered as you grabbed his knees, keeping them from flying all over. "Yes! It looks horrible!" His voice cracked slightly as his hands grabbed more of the pillow.

  "Michael-" "No! Just leave me alone!" He finally stayed still as he felt you stand up and let go of his knees. What he didn't expect was you ripping the pillow away from his face and grabbing his chin, not rough nor soft, more of a firm grip as you made him look at him. Michael's face reddened as you looked at him with a pretty serious look. "Michael, I have kissed your face probably over a hundred times now, what makes you think I won't love you over a badass scar?" You said with a tone that was thick like ice, you wondered if his siblings or Henry was overhearing this.

  "Badass? You think this is badass?" Michael asked as his face only brightened with red. "Yeah, I mean, look at mine." You said, lifting your head a bit to show him the scar left on your neck. Michael stared at him before reaching up, running his thumb against the scar as your hand reached to his face. "Can I touch your scar?" You whispered as he nodded, seemingly lost in the feel of your throat. Your hand placed against his head, your fingers softly rubbing against his scar, it was a weird texture but it at least didn't hurt him anymore. "See? It's badass, dude." You smiled as his eyes moved from your throat to your eyes, giving you a small smile as he chuckled. 

  "I'm just insecure really...Sorry for uh, pushing you away so much.." He muttered, his other hand slowly slivering over to your side. "There's no need to apologize, everyone has insecurities, Mike." You let your hand drop slightly, resting it against his shoulder as you stared into his blue eyes. Before you could say anything else, he pulled you down, making you sit on his lap with both of his arms wrapped around your waist. You blinked, staring down at him with a bright red face, he only looked up with a smirk, winking at you like a rockstar singer. "I'm not going to lie, you're pretty hot when being so forceful and dominant..." He mumbled with his British accent really kicking in, this made your body shiver slightly as he moved your head closer to his. 

  "Not on the damn couch you two!" Henry yelled from in the kitchen, which made you two snap your heads over to the kitchen. "Sorry, Uncle Henry!" Michael yelled, chuckling nervously. "And do that alone in a room where your siblings don't have to see that!" He yelled, making you look behind the couch, seeing Elizabeth giggling with her little recording device. Michael took quick notice and moved you off him quickly, looking over at her, "You little brat!" He yelled as he got up to chase her, causing her to run and giggle, "I'm totally using this as blackmail!" She yelled while running off into the hallway with Michael right behind her.

  You chuckled, feeling a small tug on your sleeve, which caused you to look over and see Evan. "What does Mickey mean by dominant..?" He mumbled, which made you hold back your laughter as you picked him up and carried him over to Henry. "You'll learn when you are older, kiddo." You chuckled along with Henry as Michael came back with a squirming Elizabeth in his arms. "Got her!" He said proudly as Elizabeth grabbed his forearm, biting down on it harshly. Michael let out a shriek of pain, dropping her as she ran off, giggling with Evan right behind her, "That little devil!" He yelled, rubbing his arm slightly as you and henry lost it, laughing loudly. "Stop laughing!" Micael yelled, grabbing your wrist softly and bringing you into the living room, sitting down next to you softly. 

" about that date?"

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