Chapter 33

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I briefly opened my eyes, catching a faint glimpse of a gray wall that met some kind of pocked floor, cold metal pressing against my cheek while I took in a labored breath. A wire frame chair had smashed against the same wall, the legs bent into round angles while flashes of colored light caught the silver finish along the arms of the chair.

A man rushed over, his hues glowing blue and casting a gentle light over my face before I realized what had happened.

"Update," I sat up with Kara's help, my back leaning against the bridge wall.

"Klein Field is stable at seventy-three percent. Wisconsin had chained her Cannon after New Jersey's shot; no damage to my hull," He knelt next to me, briefly waving his hand as several tactical screens shifted from where I had been previously positioned to float in front of us, "Todo's Field is at eighty-one percent and Jyushi is nearing ninety."

"How many Super-Graviton Cannons were fired in that opening volley?"

"Four -- one aimed at Todo. It was fired from Juneau, one of the cruisers," Kara barely grunted as red and green energies collided with his blue Field, adjusting his position to sit next to me, "Hornet has yet to make any attack."

"Oso, Aku. What's your status?"

"Neither of them seem to know we're here--" Aku hummed through the red screen before Oso cut him off, "Four seconds before they do!"

The sonar exposed Tirpitz's symbol blazing red right next to Wisconsin, the screen updating as the battleship moved through the enemy Fog ship. Kara instantly pulled up a video screen, my eyes seeing the thick hull of the German battleship pierce through what once was the pride of the American Navy, Tirpitz's bow breaking through Wisconsin's opposite side while their turrets and guns fired wildly into the fresh wounds. Oso and Aku had built up enough momentum to completely lance through both the Klein Field and the Wave-Motion Armor that Wisconsin tried to throw up at the last moment, their victorious laughter barely heard through the screen over the rending metal screeching in the air.

"Continue with the plan: charge into New Jersey. Tie up their hard hitters!" The red screen closed with the order, my eyes darting towards Kara, "Subs."

A purple and green screen replaced where the red one had been.

"Locate Wisconsin's Union Core and destroy it. I don't want to give her a chance to come back a third time," A full broadside salvo slammed into the Klein Field near the bridge, bathing the room in a bright orange light, "Do the same with New Jersey before assisting Todo and Jyushi. Take out any stragglers left in your way."

"That was Hornet," Kara briefly straightened up and peered over the sill of the window right above us, "Not her primary weapon, but I'm sure that's coming."

"Assault and suppression. Just as powerful as Tirpitz?"

"Same weaponry," He barely nodded, "More defensive capability."

"...a bullet sponge, then," I muttered as another orange light flashed through the window, the Scharnhorst leaning a little towards the portside in response, "Cut through the cluster of cruisers and widened the wedge. Give the ADF cover while they flee."

Five blue rings spun out from Kara's chest, standing up with the same motion as he kept his gaze on me, "Do you want to stay there?"

"Don't get distracted."

"It won't take any processing ability from me to help you back into your wheelchair, captain."

"No, I'll get thrown out of it again," I shook my head, "I can brace myself here."

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