Reference Page

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Before you read this story, there are a few things that you need to know. I will provide the background of what this Mental Model AU is based on (taking my resources from the manga, not the anime), as well as a timeline of world events that led up to where the story picks up and a list of terms that will be used throughout the story. Please understand that if you have any questions that aren't answered in this Reference Page, I'm more than willing to provide an answer.

Arpeggio of Blue Steel Manga Timeline (199X - 2044):

[1990s] - Russia develops and deploys the VA-111 Shkval, a supercavitating torpedo.

[1996 - 2006] - Over the course of a decade, the speed with which the west Antarctic ice cap melts increases by 59%, raising grave concerns over rising sea levels.

[2007] - The United States Department of Defense publicly reveals an experimental submarine based on the Underwater Express project, which was unveiled in 2005. The new test sub has successfully attained an underwater speed of 110 knots (~126 mph/203 kph).

[2012] - All around the globe, "ghost ship" sightings are reported. According to eyewitness accounts, the ships materialize in foggy weather and look very similar to ships from World War II.

- Nations around the world begin using highly-accurate guided supercavitation torpedoes. These torpedoes travel at over 250 knots (287 mph/463 kph), quickly rendering old vessels obsolete and forcing a reexamination of the fundamental tactics of war.

- Standard-warhead torpedoes are almost completely phased out in favor of supercavitation torpedoes. Torpedoes speeds surpass 300 knots (345 mph/555 kph), once again transforming the face of battle at sea. Experimental ships of all sizes and classes are developed.

[2038] - The concept of ghost ships becomes mainstream, rather than restricted to believers in paranormal phenomena. Sightings off all the world's coasts became frequent, and the ships' origins become a widespread topic of debate.

- Ghost ships entering Russian waters are fired upon by a Russian patrol fleet. The patrol fleet is subsequently annihilated.

- International concern over the ghost ships grows, but efforts to determine their origin are inconclusive.

- In December, ghost ships begin to attack military vessels all around the world.

[2039] - With a global loss of over 5% of naval vessels, a multinational fleet is created. The ghost ships come to be known as the "Fleet of Fog."

- Human naval forces engage in a number of sea battles and skirmishes with the Fleet of Fog, and are all defeated. The remaining vessels regroup in preparation for a final battle.

- These remaining ships converge on the Fleet of Fog, which launches a heavy assault. The resulting conflict, later known as the Great Naval War, raged for two days. It culminates in the loss of 70% of the world's ships and more than 600,000 human casualties.

- The Fog complete their global barricade.

[2040] - National forces stationed -- and now stranded -- in foreign countries are absorbed into their respective defense forces.

[2044] - A civilian named Ashley Crawford begins her trip across the wide Atlantic Ocean, hopeful to make it back home.

Common Parts of a Ship:

Aft - The back of a ship. If something is located aft, it is at the back of the boat. The aft is also known as the stern.

Bow - The front of the ship is called the bow. Knowing the location of the bow is important for defining two of the other most common sailing terms: port (left of the bow) and starboard (right of the bow).

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