giving buckyboy a spin pt. 1

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WARNING: the time line of everything is messed up but it will still make sense!! trust me, thank u again for reading!

It was about 10 am, somewhere in that time range. i didnt really care at the moment. All i was feeling were anxious thoughts about how i would go into class unnoticed. I really hoped Draco was sick or something, maybe he could get miss corona idk- just anything please.

suddenly i heard a high pitch voice scream my name, i immediately knew it was the puffy haired nerd who seemed to like me. Which i was so grateful for, seeing as nobody really liked me ever. "Y/n!!!!! Come along with me you're gonna be late girl" She said frantically while her chest rose up and down violently. "You want me to go with y-you?" i asked hesitantly with a tinge of shock in my voice.

"Of course! Why wouldn't i? Cmonnn" she whined before dragging my arm to merlin knows where.

"Where are we going???" i asked while we ran throughout the hallways.

"To class silly!" she chuckled before we saw Ron and Harry in the distance.

"Ah finally the two brainless morons." she sighed in relief.

"Oh it's you..." i said while eyeing ron and harry from head to toe.

"Your problem isss?" harry scoffed before continuing "You know i can remove you from the group in a click of a button y/n."

"Boy you literally forced me into the group-" i replied with a disgusted look ready to pounce this mf

"Harry you're so dumb" hermione said while trying to hold back laughter.

"Even i've got to agree with mione on this one.." Ron said while hiding behind me and Hermione with a scared expression.

"You guys are supposed to side with me!" Harry whined as he stomped his feet up and down.

"What the hell?" I said before bursting out in laughter while the rest of the gang did the same.

"Omg you guys are so annoying we're going to be lateeee!" Harry said before pulling my arm

The feeling was warm and nice. i don't know how to explain it or explain why i liked it but i did. And i hated that i did.

**10 mins later**

"So this is buckbeak. He is quite friendly if you follow along with his rules yea?" Hagrid spoke before eyeing everyone in the crowd.

"So who would like to give him a ride?" he questioned. My face was shocked knowing my mind went straight to the gutter.. but i was soon out of it when hermione nudged my side with a disgusted expression. "Not that kind of ride.." she whispered

"yeap just realised." i said before pursing my lips together.

Before we knew it Harry was chosen to make acquaintance with buckbeak, we stood there worried as harry tried to interact with the fluffy white bird or whatever it was. "pst, it's a hippogriff." hermione whispered to me. It was creepy how she could read my thoughts sometimes..

before i knew it, i received a notification from that god forsaken group.

professor snape is bae

harryh8voldemrt: yall i'm so scared to get on this thing

hermione_245: harry what the hell? why are u texting right in front of Hagrid lmao

drakomommy: harry stop acting so tough. we all know u finna pussy out

harryh8voldermrt: forgot u were here lol n e ways it isn't any of ur business malfoy so shut it

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