The night of my grandads death

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Arrive a little late to grandads party but oh well. The first person I saw was my twin Ransom, we gave each other a hug and caught each other up on are you two have been doing for the past 2 years. "So how was the uk?" He looked at me awaiting a response "Omg it was great, I finally opened up my restaurant and it's going very well I've even managed to get 5 stars." He had a massive smile "Omg congrats, your doing way better than all these assholes." I laughed "We can both agree that this family is full of assholes." We both shared a smiled and then I caught sight of my grandad "I'll be back in a sec I just wanna wish grandad a happy birthday." Ransom nodded towards me and I gave him a kiss on his cheek "Hey grandad" he turned to me and smiled "There we go my favourite grandchild." I slightly laughed and gave him a hug leaving a kiss on his cheek "May I ask how your travels were?" I slowly walked him over to a chair and pulled one next to him as we spoke "It was wonderful, the uk really is a wonderful place and I even managed to open up my own restaurant like I have wished to do since I was a child and to make it better i managed to get it to 5 stars." He had a massive smile on his face "I am glad to hear all your hard work has paid off, maybe you can influence the rest of the family." I laughed "I honestly don't think that will ever be possible after all they are stuck up pricks, sorry grandad but we both know it's true." I said patting him his back "I know but we could only hope." We both laughed but it came to an end when Ransom asked my grandad to have a private talk. I walked over to the rest of my family and stood my Marta "Hey, it's great to see you again!" She jumped slightly and turned to me and immediately hugged me "Sorry for scaring you." She pulled back and stood against the door panel "It's great to see you too, it's fine. Honestly I am so glad your here." We both laughed "And why is that?" I said with a slight giggle "Well other than Harlan, your really the only one I get along with here."

The rest of the night was a blur, I'll I remember doing is heading upstairs to check on grandad and Marta as she hasn't come down yet. I got up the stairs and heard someone crying, I opened the door to my grandads 'hiding place' and saw Marta crying on the stairs.
"Hey, what's wrong? Is my grandad being a pain in the ass?...You can tell me what's up?"
She looked scared and guilty
"I uhh, I gave him the wrong doses, he said I have t-to go by his plan."
I stood up and opened the door he cut his throat I immediately felt tears form in my eyes and closed the door on my way out.
"Marta, Marta listen to me, your gunna go along with the plan if you need anything call me okay I will help you, I promise." I said that and hugged her she immediately hugged me back and then we went down the stairs, I went to my room while she went out the front door.

I woke up the next morning to Meg knocking on my door she was crying "Hey what's up? Is it a boy? Do I have to kill him?" I knew what her response would be but I had to try and act like myself "N-no I, grandads dead, he committed suicide." I felt tears rub down my face and hugged Meg, this was gunna be even harder to hide than I thought "Hey Meg, look at me, it's gunna be alright. We can get through this, together." We nodded at each other and then she left I sat there shaking with so many thoughts going through my mind so I called Marta.
"Hey Marta, we're gunna have to come up with a plan so we don't tell to much and so we don't go off track of one another." I said in a whisper
"You know I can't lie, I'll be sick if I do, Harlan told me to tell fragments of the truth." She said in a shaky but fast speech "okay so we agree to say the truth but dodge the obvious." With out a response she ended the call and I started to get ready for the very difficult day ahead of me.

The twin to an idiot- Benoit BlancOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora