Chapter 1

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You and the other riders were at the arena, after finishing your training.

You didn't have your own dragon, since when you and your twin brother Hiccup found Toothless together you pretty much shared riding him and teached him tricks together.

Right now you were looking at Snotlout as he screamed "Hookfang, annihilate!" and got launched into a wooden target.
Toothless was helping you get off the floor from the laughter as the twins got into an argument over what to tell their dragon creating a big mess.

"Hey, Ruff, Tuff, maybe you should try using just one signal at a time?" you shouted at them, moving to the side before Tuffnut was sent straight into Snotlout earning a big laught from you and Ruffnut as Hiccup glared at you disapprovingly before trying to sort things out.


After training you and Hiccup entered your house where Gobber was trying to put a belt on your father Stoick. "The ceremonial belt? It's that time again?" your brother groaned recognizing the pattern. "Yes, tomorrow is the annual treaty signing with the Berserker tribe." You could feel your blood running cold as the previous memories started to flow. "Don't tell me he is bringing that lunatic kid of his." Hiccup asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Dagur"? Gobber gave you two an apologetic look before going back to fix your father belt.

"He'll be here." he said before looking at you. "Let me guess, we'll have to spend the day with him and make sure he doesn't 'accidentally' kill someone?" you asked your father with sarcasm, but he ignored your tone. "Actually, I have a more important job for you two. You need to hide all the dragons." "But, why dad?" "We don't want to risk a war with the Berserkers, even if Oswald is very agreeable." "But we haven't had war for 50 years!" "Yeah, Hiccup is right dad!" you two managed to say before he cut you off "Just hide the dragons, ok Hiccup?" "Wait, just Hiccup? And what do I do?" you asked, starting to feel suspicious.

"Well, we need someone to look after Dagur in case he decides to start some trouble, and as his betrothed he'll demand to see you anyway." Ok, now you have all the right to feel anxious. "Don't worry lass, we'll be there." said Gobber, patting you on the back.

"Come on guys, stay in line!" your brother shouted at a group of deadly nadders.

"Is Dagur coming? He's so cool!" "Cool? Last time he was here he used me as a knife throwing target! This isn't funny y/n!" "He should be locked up in a cage!" said Astrid "That's what he did to me! And didn't let me eat for 3 days!" Poor Fishlegs. "You guys still got lucky! One day he's gonna be a chief and I'll have to marry him and stay with him on Berserker island!" You shouted at them. "We have to get that dragon under control! Where are the twins?!" Fishlegs asked after dodging the zippleback. "I don't know, but we better find them before the Berserkers-" "Are here!" you finished the sentence as you heard the horns.

"Well, we better go now y/n" said Hiccup with a pitiful look, taking you by the arm before you could run off and hide.

You arrived at the dock "Dad, we have some bad news..." Hiccup said, playing with his hands. "Not now, Oswald ih here." He cut him off, looking at the ship.

"Presenting, the high chief of the Berserker tribe! Cracker of skulls! Slayer of beasts! The great and fearsome-" "Oswald the agreeable?" "Dagur the deranged!" Shouted the Berserker. "Dagur?" stoick said. "Deranged?" "Oh no." "I have to go, now!" you whispered under your breath, loud enough so only Hiccup could hear you. But as you were about to flee, a knife hit the wood beside your brother's head freezing you two in place.

"Dagur, where is your father?" asked Stoick. "My father has retired." said Dagur with a cuckle. "Unfortunately he has lost his taste for blood, on the other hand I am starving~" he added, eyeing you with a smirk on his lips. You could feel your face grow hot as you tried to hide yourself behind Gobber. "So, where are you hiding them ,Stoick?" "Hiding what, Dagur?" 'There is no way he could be talking about the dragons, right?' At least you hoped so. Well, you were wrong, he suspected that your father was hiding dragons on the island and threatened to attack Berk with his armada, before changing the subject and asking to be taken to a tour of the island.

Luckily for your brother, he took the chance to run away and find the other, but before you could follow him, you heard a well known voice behind you.

"My love, it's been too long, you don't know how much i've missed you!" said Dagur, giving you a bone crushing hug. "Dagur! I missed you too." You said catching your breath, watching him give you a big grin before wrapping his arm on your waist, taking you closer to him as he followed your father and Gobber.

As you arrived at the food storage you spotted Barf and Bleach tracks. 'Oh no' Hiccup and Astrid were following them, trying to not be seen by Dagur, who was making comments about the lack of dragons to kill, swinging a sword around and flexing his biceps. 'Wow, he really isn't bad at this' you thought, gazing at his arms when he hitted the bulls eye. You snapped out of your thoughts, trying to look somewhere else, but Dagur already noticed your staring, winking at you and flexing his bicep, as you looked away feeling the heat on your face.

'What's up with me? I can't just stare at him like that! No matter how hot he is!'

Thankfully he got distracted by your father and pulled you with him by your waist, continuing the tour. As you walked out of the door you saw Hiccup standing in front of you, arms raised and a nervous look on his face greeting Dagur before getting cut off "Anyway, Hiccup, where did your leg go?" 'That's it, we're screwed' you thought before Dagur let out a laugh, praising your brother for taking down the Red Death. "Yes! Me and y/n did that together!" blurted out Hiccup while you glared at him with a look that could say 'Don't you dare drag me into this!'

"Of course! Isn't she wonderful? I can't wait to marry her!" exclaimed Dagur looking at you as his grip intensified, waiting for you to say something. "W-well, of course! Me to..?" you said, trying to sound as genuine as possible. You let out a nervous chuckle as you looked at Dagur who has the biggest smile on his face. Trying to save you from the situation and himself from the embarrassment, Hiccup escorted you to the dining hall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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