Ch8 - El Piña Pizzería

Start from the beginning

"¡Hola!" the cashier greets. "¿Qué quieres?"

OJ turns to Paige. "What would you like?"

"Oh! Um, I actually speak a little Spanish myself!" Paige says, a little shy. "Can I try?"

"By all means, Paige!"

Paige nods and gulps a bit before turning to the cashier himself. "Um... ¡hola! Yo... tengo... pizza de queso?" Both OJ and the cashier chuckle a bit and Paige can feel his face flush. "What? Did I say it wrong?"

"Un poco," OJ says, pinching his pointer and thumb together. "But it's okay." He turns to the cashier. "Mi amigo es muy inteligente, ¿no?"

"¡Sí!" They nod. "Yo comprendo. ¿Y tú?"

"Yo también, por favor," OJ says. "Con carne."

"Comprendido. Un momento, por favor."

"Nosotros estaremos en esa masa."

"OK," they wave, getting to work.

"We'll... that table..." Paige mumbles. "Be at?" He tries to look over at OJ for confirmation, but the other teen has already started to walk to their table. Paige is quick to follow behind.

"So, Paige," OJ says as the other sits down. "What's up with you? Have anything exciting happen to you recently or anything?"

Paige thinks. "Um... oh!" he gasps. "Yes! Something very exciting is happening to me right now!"

"Oh?" OJ asks. "What is it?"

"Okay, um..." Paige becomes extremely shy suddenly, bending over close and lowering his voice. "You can't tell anybody, okay?"

"Okay," OJ nods, interest clearly piqued. "What is it?"

"I..." Paige stops and looks around before continuing. "I have a secret admirer!"

"Oh my!" OJ gasps. "How exciting indeed!"

"I know, right?" Paige gushes. "They've sent me four notes so far. I'm so excited to get my reply to them tomorrow."

"Reply?" OJ prods.

"Oh, we go back and forth with the notes! I have Brandon as a currier currently. Somehow it met up with them! And now it won't tell me who it is..."

"Isn't it more fun that way, though?" OJ smiles kindly. "Personally, if I had a secret admirer I'd try and get to know who they are first. Have you been asking questions about them?"

"Just the one!" Paige says. "I asked if they could give me a hint as to who they were, and guess what they said!"


"They said we go to the same school!" Paige giggles. "As if I wouldn't know that considering they left the first couple of notes in my locker."

"Hmm..." OJ hums. "Perhaps they simply thought it was... good to make sure?" he offers.

"They said something along those lines," Paige nods. "But still! So silly!" He sighs. "But so sweet..."

"You sure seem to like them a lot," OJ smiles.

"I do," Paige says earnestly. "Even if we don't know much about each other yet, just the thought of someone liking me enough to do this...!" he swoons.

"I really love that for you, Paige," OJ says, somber. It intrigues Paige, but before he can ask, the waiter comes by with their slices.

"¡Para dos personas!" they chirp as they slide the plates down. "¡Disfruta!"

"Gracias," OJ thanks at the same time Paige yelps a quick, "Gracias!" caught off guard.

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