Are you alright?

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Once the newsies are let out of the fenced area, Spot and Racetrack help Ally walk to Davey. Once she's close enough for him to reach her, she collapses into his chest, and he wraps his arms around her. Spot and Racetrack walk off with the other newsies, going back to the lodging house.

Davey helps Ally walk out of the courtroom and into the hallway, they sit down on a bench outside of the courtroom.

"Ally, what did they do to you?" Davey asks, pulling her closer to him, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"I'll be fine in a day, Davey. That club did a number to my head, my head is aching so badly right now." Ally says, holding her head and groaning.

Davey takes her head and lays it in his lap. He begins to message her scalp, she moans quietly, temporarily relieving her of her pain.

"What about these cuts?" Davey asks, brushing his hand softly along a cut on her cheek.

"One of the large men got bored, came into the holdin' cell last night and dragged me out. I's fine, barely hurts." she smiles softly, the massage getting rid of her headache for the time being.

"Thank god they didn't know you're a girl. Could you imagine what could've happened if you didn't change back at Irving Hall?" Davey sighs in relief.

Ally shudders just thinking about what could've happened.

"Anyways, I'm so glad you're ok. I was worried sick last night." he chuckles.

"I missed you too." she responds.

"How does your head feel now?" Davey asks as he stops massaging her head.

"Better, thanks Davey." she sits up, leans over, and kisses him on the cheek.

Davey blushes.

"Come on, we should go back to my house. You need some rest," Davey says, taking Ally's hand and helping her gain her balance.

They make their way back to the Jacobs Family Home, and even though it is only 1 at night, Davey and Ally climb into his bed and sleep until the next morning.

Ally's Story: A Newsie's OCWhere stories live. Discover now