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A|N: Sorry for the late Epilogue guys. We were a bit busy I guess. Kidding. Writer's block won my mind. What? Hahah. I do hope you will enjoy this one. Ciao~



"It feels so nostalgic." He looked at the surroundings, remembering each and every happenings in the past. The way he held her, the way that wedding happened, the way she danced, the way they said how much they love each other, those memories are his treasures. The ring she gave him long decayed but still the feeling when she put it in his finger's still there. The warmth of that ring still lingers on his finger up until now. He felt how his heart ached a bit upon remembering the scene wherein she died on him, wherein he saw her sufferings. It was the most heartbreaking scene he saw. Watching the one you love dying in front of your very eyes, killed him. He sighed, "It has been how many years since then." 

He learnt how to move on without letting her go. He knows that Hiyori wouldn't waste a minute to smack him if she ever sees him down and so he decided to pull his self together. Days, weeks, months, they were both wasted. He became so thin and the same goes for Yukine. They stopped their jobs and they couldn't find colors in their lives. Only Hiyori can make them happy more than anyone else. It was a heartfelt sight when he saw how Yukine cried out loud after knowing that she went away.

Right after the nurses took action, Yukine arrived. Seeing a crying and wasted Yato in front of her lifeless body which the doctor and nurses are trying to retrieve (Not so sure about the word), Yukine knew already that she died. It broke his heart and he knows Yato felt more than that. Half of him died. Yukine felt how his breathe became heavy, how his tears flowed down, how everything turned black and white and lifeless. He cried his heart contents out that he wasn't even there when she said her goodbye. Yukine was so sad, he stopped talking to everyone. They both stopped talking at each other. They wondered all over the places, searching their souls. They found none.

Both started dreaming about her, nightmares in fact. Yukine regretted their wasted moment but Yato felt regret the most. He was only there when she died. Realization hit both of them that the least they can do is leave their lives for her. Though devastated, they moved on without letting even a bit of her go. She will always be the one that holds the missing part of Yato's everything, his heart.

He was pulled from his trance when a loud shout echoed on the whole place, the church where they held the wedding day. He heard that creak sound from the door and those small pebbles rolling on the ground. A blonde young lad breathing real hard welcomed him. He saw panic in Yukine's eyes as he approached Yato, still searching for air.

"Yato! "

Again he shouted, calling his name. He squatted, put his hands on his knees and breathed.

"Doushta no , Yukine?"

Yato asked. He went near him and shook Yukine's shoulder a bit. He knows that he wouldn't panic unless it's an urgent thing.

"We need to help that girl! "

Yukine looked worried as he shot him a look of panic once again. His hands trembled as he pointed a direction which Yato immediately followed, a lady being followed by an ayakashi.

He studied the lady who's running as fast as she could to get away from that ayakashi. He saw how she breathed real hard, jumping up and down all over the places.

"We need to rescue her! "

Yukine shouted pulling him away from his trance - again. Yukine tugged Yato's hands, giving him the signal to start already. They can't just stand there and watch the lady in there. Yukine knows that Yato's studying the lady but now's not the time for that. They gotta help her.

Calling Sekki, Yato chased that Ayakashi in order to save the lady. He gave it one swing and a hard slash in a body, making it to disappear. A red colored atmosphere ate the whole place as they both watched the disappearing Ayakashi.

"Good job, Yukine."

He smirked at his regalia upon it doing a great job.

"Well." Yukine moved his shoulder's up and down. They laughed as realization hit Yukine about the girl, "So where's that girl? " He roamed his eyes all over the place, searching where the lady was.

Yato did the same thing, feeling where the lady's aura is. He walked all over the place just to find it cause it seems he really does need to meet her. Again, he felt nostalgia upon remembering the same happening in where he was searching for Hiyori who disappeared. He sighed as he looked up into the sky, noticing a lady figure sitting on one of the rooftops. Before approaching her, he studied each and every little detail about the lady and this sudden thump of his heart, he felt. He wanted to go and talk to her, he really wanted to.

"That figure really looks so familiar."

He muttered as he slowly takes steps going in front of the house that owns the rooftop where she is. He jumped onto it and silently walks towards the girl whose back is facing him.

He stopped midway, inches away from her. He sighed, there's this something that's pulling him to her. There's this sudden urge to go and hug her. There's this another thump of heart that's very very familiar to him.

No way. He thought as he gulped and started nearing their distance once again.

Gently, he tapped her shoulders, waiting for her to turn around. Right that moment, the wind blew as her hair flew to its direction. Her shoulder that suddenly tensed up because of his gentle tap, slowly calmed down. She slowly moved herself to face the man that tapped her shoulder a while ago.

Time seemed to stop. Leaves danced beside them. Wind blew as if it's dancing with some invisible music that's being played. Colors started spreading his monochromatic life, slowly and magically. Her hair touched his skin and it sent shivers down to his spine.


He whispered, not believing what he's seeing. He slowly reached for her cheeks and gently caressed it feeling if the same love he feels for the only girl will be there. It's there. His heart beats so loud, his hands shivered upon touching a very warm cheeks. Lastly, a tear escaped from his dark blue eyes.

Without realizing it, he gently rested his forehead onto hers, feeling the presence of the lady he loved, loves and will love the most. "At last, at last," He whispered with love, care, longing, and tenderness, "I met you again."

The end.

Always together ForeverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя