Chapter 5 - Monster on a Wheelchair

Start from the beginning

Outside my room or in the hallway I can see staff members, visitors, and other patients walking along the hallway

Although I can freely moved around I was monitored by the staff so they can quickly help me if an accident happens

Though it's highly unlikely for me to accidentally harm myself

I remember Dr. Omar saying something about an Aquarium at the first floor, there is also a Garden in here which I would really like to visit.

I moved my wheelchair towards where the elevator was and waited for it to open

15 seconds later the elevator door opened and I entered inside it, I just noticed this my room was at the 5th floor

I arrived at the first floor and immediately moved towards the aquarium

Looking at the aquarium I can identify it's length, width and height which is 48" x 18" x 21" which can be filled with 75 gallon of water.

The water inside the aquarium is freshwater due to the fish living on it are freshwater fishes, which are an Angelfish, a Goldfish, a Discus, and a Bala Shark.

The fishes inside the aquarium reminds me of myself when I was in the White Room, trap inside one place stripped away from their freedom and forced to live inside this confined place for the rest of their lives. That's what the White Room Students are experiencing their everyday life inside the White Room although I was given some free time unlike the other White Room students because I am the son of the Founder of that place.

I probably should stop thinking about the past, it won't be good for my mental health, but how should I? I have been in the White Room for my entire life now until 1 week ago...


I averted my gaze against the Aquarium and looked at the hallway towards the garden in the hospital

I then drove my wheelchair towards the garden

The garden was huge and have many diversities of plants and flowers in it

Moving around the garden looking at flowers and bushes I saw some other insect flourishing in the garden although they aren't insects that could harm your garden or in other word pests.

One insect caught my interest and it's a Dragonfly, flying around the garden.

This morning before I got placed in a wheelchair I read an Article from the newspaper the nurse gave me this morning about dragonflies.

It said that 'The Dragonfly normally lives most of it's life as a nymph or immature. It flies only for a fraction of it's life. By living in the moment you are aware of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what you want, what you don't, and to make informed choices on a moment-to-moment basis,' I found that article very interesting...

It also said that 'The Dragonfly has been a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries. The Dragonfly means hope, change, and love,' while thinking about his I have been given a new beginning and a chance to change and feel happiness and love...

But do I really deserve it?

I have been a very horrible human being for my whole life now, is such person really deserve to be happy? To be loved? To change?

I've been given a new beginning where I have my freedom but at what cost?

Thinking about it makes me want to kill myself

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