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3rd Person POV

Location: White Room

   In a room where the 4th generation of the White Room students are held, there are 8 students and 2 White Room Instructors. One of the students is a special student since he is the son of the Founder of the White Room and is one of the student who said to rule Japan in the future after graduating from the White Room. His name is Ayanokounji Kiyotaka.

   "Okay, we're gonna start one of your daily activity now." said Instructor 1

   "If failed to perform the given activities, you already know what's gonna happen if you failed to perform it." said Instructor 2

   "You don't want to be like Subject 28 who becomes a failure and di- Ahem... got expelled yesterday." added Instructor 2

   'I know this is your first time but try not to mess it up or else they're gonna fire you.' whispered Instructor 1 to Instructor 2

   'Uh- um- Oh yeah, yeah yeah I know... i'll try to be careful next time, sorry...' apologized Instructor 2

   The second Instructor composed herself and sighed.

   "Okay, now.. The Professor has given you guys new activities to perform." she said

   "The activities that you'll be performing are Bomb Disposa-."

   Before the first instructor could finish his word an alarm sets off.

   All the lights started to flicker red lights indicating that a fire has started.

   Three White Room Officers barge in the room instructing everyone inside to follow them.

   They all follow the 3 White Room Officer to the nearest exit in the hall. They all run through the hall and go to the fire exit but something exploded at the upper floor making the roof fall covering the fire exit door.

   "Shit." cursed one of the White Room Officer

   "Go to the other door and go down stairs!" shouted one of the White Room Officer

   As they run through the halls to go to the stairs the upper floor beneath them is falling making obstacles for the to go thru. Unfortunately for them lady luck is not on their side each exit has been barricaded by debris or is filled with fire.

   "We got no choose we need to go science lab and go through the other exit there!" shouted White Room Officer 3

   "B-but that area is has a lot of gas tanks in there used for experiments!" protested White Room Officer 2

   "Look! We either don't go there or die in the fire! We don't have a choice! This isn't time for debating go!" snapped Officer 1

   "O-okay" said Officer 2

   They all run towards the science lab while the flame was spreading and the walls and the upper floor crumbled down. 

   They finally found the science lab and hurried to enter inside it unbeknownst to them the heat inside the lab triggered an chemical reaction which caused an huge explosion the moment the 3rd White Room Officer opened the door.

   The explosion that occur is making the state of the building much more worse, debris started to fall and fire started to spread on faster pace, due to the explosion the group was forced to separate.

Kiyotaka's POV

   We are running towards the science lab to go through the other exit inside the room which is connected to another hall that is connected to the nearest exit from the facility

   I already know that going to the science laboratory was a horrible idea from the very beginning the 3rd White Room Officer proposed the idea but didn't say anything because of the instruction they told us.

   When the 3rd White Room Officer opened the room it exploded into his face causing him to die and us to get separated from the group, I got separated all alone from them.

   So I was force to escape on my own. I heard one of the White Room student that was with us screaming for help but there is no way for me to go towards him since he is in the other side and all the entrance and exit to it got blocked. 

   He is trapped and I can't do anything to help him so I just ignore him and run and find an exit.

   As I was looking for the exit I keep hearing screams of agony of the White Room students and employees. I keep thinking to my self 'What am I suppose to do?! I need to help the but there isn't anything I can do they are trapped!'

   I finally found the exit to the facility and got out with a few burnt and scratches.

   Despite finally going out the burned building I hated myself. I hated myself for not saving them, my parents, my friends...

   They died because of me, they died because I prioritize myself before them, they died...

   "They... they... no....... no... no.. no. no no no no no no No No NO!"

   I was pulling my hair and crying as thinking on what the hell just happened.

   "What am I gonna do now?! I got no where to go?! And they are dead!" I shouted to myself

   I could go to the mansion but what's the point? It would only hurt me more to be there knowing that my parents died because of me and I also don't know where it is.

   I was never allowed to go outside the mansion and every time we go back to the White Room they all ways let me ride our private jet and won't let me see thru the window.

   About about 2 hour I finally composed myself and think something positive.

   "On the bright side you are free now, this is your dream right?" I told myself

   I still feel sad and frustration to what just happened but I have to composed myself and move forward. It already happened and I can't change the past.

   I felt excided of the thought on what's gonna happened on my journey to this unknown world that I escaped through and the new Freedom that I have.

End of Chapter

I am finally satisfied with the prologue... I think. So I released it.

Old Note:

Hello! RLFilms here, and this is the rewritten version of the prologue of the White Room Burned Down I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you saw any mistakes please tell me about it and i'll fix it. I rewrite Chapter 1 first then this because it's hard for me to think of an idea to do in the Prologue of the series, anyway hope you enjoy reading it and consider voting bye!

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