He owed it to his family. He will find love, have children and tell them about their Aunt Elena and their grandparents. He also knew he wasn't alone and for that he is grateful to his sister because even beyond life, she was finding a way to take care of him. It was with those last thoughts that he went to sleep with a slight smile knowing that even with all the darkness currently in his life, things will get better.

Tyler and Stefan POV:
Tyler, was lightly crying for the sweetest girl he knew throughout his 17 years of life. Even though the last few weeks before her passing, she acted irrational, he couldn't find it in himself to hate her. They grew up together so he saw all the good she did and the good outweighed the bad.

On the other hand, Stefan was serving as everyone's sounding board. Although, he no longer harbored any feelings for Elena, it still hurt watching her die. As he had told her, she would always hold a special place in his heart. She fought for him more than most people did and saw the good in him. He's thankful to her because if he didn't know her, he wouldn't know who his epic love would truly be.

Alaric and Matt POV:
Alaric felt his heart break knowing that Elena died. She was the daughter of his former wife. Nevertheless, he grew to love her as his own. He knows that he now has to watch over Jeremy because he's all he has left.

On the other hand, Matt was facing an internal dilema. He still harbored feelings for Elena. It is for those reasons he developed resentment against Hayley. Elena should not have died for a stranger to survive. Therefore, internally he was setting up a plan on how to kill Hayley.

Mikaelson Home:
The Mikaelson siblings were arguing on how to kill Mikael. While their mom is now dead, they understand that Mikael will want to take his revenge on everyone. However, they would get the surprise of their lifetime when an unexpected visitor showed up.

Guess, whose back!!

Katherine, they all responded shocked.

Elijah POV:
What are you doing here Katherine? I was invited to join the party. By who? Your brother. Now that is a lie because Niklaus hates you. He might have but not anymore. Why are you back, I demanded. Because I missed you. You are the most selfish individual I know. You don't know what it means to love anyone beyond your daughter. So sue me for not believing you.

Katherine POV:
Everything I have done has been for survival. Your brother has been persecuting me for 500 years. Forgive me for prioritizing myself over anyone I said with sarcasm. I have learned to be independent seeing that most people try to use each other.

I did love you and I still do. However, I have always desired to be reunited with my family. You know my past has not been easy. I had my daughter taken away from me. The man I learned to love was using me to help his brother break his curse, I have been hated by most supernatural individuals, fell in love with two brothers whose dad tried to kill me, all while fighting to stay alive.

I have never known what it means to have a family since I have never really had anyone for the past centuries. You are privileged to have your siblings because your endless love for one another is something to envy.

I have been screwed by life yet I am here professing my love to you because I have loved you like no other. I am asking you for another opportunity because you have been my greatest happiness alongside my daughter. So what do you say?

Before, I least expected it he kissed me. I have loved you and will continue to do so. Moreover, I will help you find your daughter.

Third POV:
The Mystic Falls gang joined the Mikaelsons in uniting against Mikael. Moreover, they all loved Hayley so would do anything to help her out. They were pissed to see Katherine there seeing that she has hurt them all.

However, if there was anything they learned from Elena's passing is forgiveness and redemption. Yet, they openly expressed that if she hurt anyone of the Mikaelsons or them, they would kill her. Katherine agreed. She was done running. She had the forgiveness of Klaus and the love of Elijah. She just needed to find her daughter.

As they strategized, they saw a blonde woman come in and ask for Klaus and Hayley.

Whose asking expressed Marcel?

I cannot believe my own siblings cannot recognize me, expressed Freya. It is I, brothers and sister.

Finn POV:
Sister, I muttered as I silently wept. It is me, brother she said as she ran into my arms. What happened to you? I escaped Aunt Dahlia who has kept me in captivity after Esther sold me to her. How did you escape? I tapped into Hayley's powers. What y'all don't realize is that every witch and power hungry individual will be coming for her. Why, I said pissed. She's pregnant with Klaus's baby. How? She left after Elijah made her cut her humanity. Well, Klaus helped her regain it back and one thing lead to another and they ended up making love multiple times. How do you know? Any witch will be able have felt the shift in the air. Hayley is currently the most powerful individual being a hybrid of werewolf and witch. Kol, Bonnie, and you have done a beautiful job in training her. Add her child and the shift in power will soon be felt by all. Every single person will want to have both their powers. I will help you all! I have been taking care of Hayley from afar. She has a tremendous future in store for her. However, the greatest battles y'all have faced will be coming. Therefore, you all need to prepare. Now, I must go. I will be playing a spy for Aunt Dahlia until we find a way to kill her. Tell my brother I am proud of him.

Third Person POV:
As soon as she left, every single person in the room looked at each other. Well, I guess my brother got the girl, laughed Kol. Davina smirked because she found that adorable.

As they laughed, Rebekah yelled: Y'all this is serious. Our brother and Hales will be having a baby. The first and possibly only baby of the next generation.

Everyone looked at each other because they knew they had an upcoming battle in store for all of them. As they all spoke strategy, Klaus and Hayley came in holding hands which had them all shutting up.

Now what is wrong, said Klaus angrily. As no one answered, Klaus screamed: Answer me. Hayley you are pregnant. What, she stuttered.

You and Klausie are expecting either a mini Hayley or mini Klausie, said Damon.

Hayley POV:
Oh shit, I said as I felt faint. I looked at Klaus and he was smirking at me. I guess I did a good job, he whispered. Don't be a cocky asshole I said angrily. To make matters worse, someone new entered the house and said my name: Hayley.

Hi, may I ask how you know my name and who are you?

My name is Jackson Kenner and I am your fiancé.

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