* insert good name here*

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Hey guys, Sorry for the delay. I couldn't access my acc of a month so that sucks. But on a different note, if you guys don't know sonic prime is coming out soon and the trailer already got out. I wanted to announce this sooner but 1 i did t have anything to announce it on and 2 I thought everyone knew. Turns out all my sonic buddies didn't know so yeah. Just making this announcement for anyone else who doesn't. Again sorry for the delay and have a good day. ( rhymes)

ヽ(' ∇`)ノ


Sonic pov


The figure collapsed and there eyes flickered to turquoise.

A huge hand suddenly appeared right next to the figure

(Looks like that)

"Ahhahaaha. Now THATS more like it" Eggman says. I could see the pain the the person's eyes through the mask. I don't know if it was from the control from egghead or just mental pain, but what I do know is that I will help the in any way I can.

Me and the figure had a stair down. I wiggled my fingers a little to prepare my self.

I was filled with


(A/N: SONIC! THAT WASN'T PART OF THE SCRIPT! AND ITS THE WRONG FANDOM!! Uuhhhgggg what am I going to do with you?)

Before I could make a move the hand grabbed me and shoved me into a tree. I tried to break free but I couldn't.

The figure walked up to me, sword in hand- 'wait SWORD???! When did they get that?? Dang it! If I survive this i should probably go back to Avalon. Oh wait i cant'

They walked towards me and put the sword up to my neck then... winked? They snapped the fingers and the hand disappeared while some kind of invisible force keep me floating. I had this turquoise outline around me. Wait.. the hand didn't disappear, it went behind Eggman.

" Yesss, finish him off." Eggman said, unaware of his fate. The figure then leaned forward to my ear and whispered. "Pʟᴀʏ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ" I could tell they are using a voice changer by the robotic-like voice they had. Probably to hid there voice but ... why? I wasn't like orbot and cubot... i was more like... mobian translate (aka google translate) but... hotter? No,NO don't think that!'

They then spun the sword in there had and raised it above there head. They thrusted it down and it pierced it through my stomach. It felt... weird... like it was mist. I was so confused that I almost forgot to play along. Almost.

"GAH." I yelled

I then mouthed 'can you make fake blood on me?' to the figure as Eggman said. " What? Are you at a loss for words? Do you give up yet?"

The figure gave me a hidden thumbs up and I suddenly felt liquid coming down my mouth and a lot on my stomach. "* cough *H-h-Heh y-you wi-i-sh" I said with a weak smirk. I had to admit, i was a good actor.

"Yesss...YESSS. Kill that pitiful hedgehog and his idiot friends." Eggman said. The hand behind him came closer , inch by inch, until it was almost touching him. The figure the pulled the sword out of my chest leaving a gaping hole.

My eyes widened in real fear.

They whisper " Iᴛs ғᴀᴋᴇ" and I calm down.

The magic that was holding me up went away and I made my self go limp.

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