Chapter Eleven

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The police had made the appalling decision to not take things further and at this current time, they were all allowed to return home and apparently a case had now been opened with social services, they at this time had seen no reason for the children to have been taken away, and therefore they were allowed to carry on like normal, all living under the same roof. Elias' disclosures were not taken seriously, apparently he was like 'the boy who cried wolf' he would tell lies and his imagination would get him in to trouble. All the bruises on their bodies had explanations, Jenny had blamed her pain in her vagina and legs on period pains and apparently 'Uncle Dave' was apparently Jenny's mums brother. They had planned a story for every scenario, and they had made the children learn the lines, so when asked they answered the same. It shocked me to the core, what had to happen for them to listen and take things seriously, did one of them have to die?

All the hard work and evidence that mum had presented to the police apparently stood for nothing as neither Jenny nor her brothers admitted to the cruel torture they had experienced, and their mum refused to admit to being the abuser or acknowledging the fact that her children were being abused.

It felt like a slap to the face, everyone had seen Jenny, Thomas and Elias recently and knew that bad things had been happening, however when we needed them to speak up, they all had gone quiet!
The teachers at the school however had a responsibility towards the children, and they had built their own case up over a period of time, they had enough evidence to start their own investigations, but they had to tread carefully as Jenny's family were now putting on a show to try and divert the attention away from them.
Their house was kept tidy, 'Uncle Dave' had now disappeared, the boys were now playing outside again, and Jenny had started to socialise more, although it wasn't with me. She had decided to now spend her time with Becki, Poppy and Belle!

My life was beginning to be made a living nightmare, ever since the night Jenny and her family had returned, she was trying to do everything in her power to intimidate me and my family. They would shout abuse at us regularly, scratch mum's car and make lots of noise outside our house at nighttime. We also often had faeces thrown through our letterbox, eggs thrown at our windows and paint sprayed on our wall which read 'Wicked Cows'. We had called the police several times, but due to no witnesses they were unable to do anything as Jenny and her family always seemed to have had alibis. The police would however go around to their house and speak to them, just in case. I had started to notice it was always the same policeman that attended the calls, and I was getting suspicious that he was actually a mole within the police force. Every time we made a call, the same man would come and speak to us, pretend to note things down in his book and then walk off joyfully down the street towards Jenny's house where he would then exit about an hour later. I decided to ring the police station and encouraged them to look further into my allegation, I had results, that police officer was in fact a client off Jenny's mum, everytime he had seen her name come up on the computer screen he would specifically stand forward for the case, he had told his boss he had made great connections with both families and his boss had then assigned him to any future disagreements and grievances between the two households. After he had sex with Jenny's mum he would report back to the police station and would write a statement, it often stated that it was a domestic between the two mums and was easily sorted with police intervention. The police officer was lying through his teeth, they never had alibis, he was just a bent officer who was getting his fix regularly. After I had pledged my complaint against him, he was dismissed from his role without notice when they had managed to find some proof and evidence. He had left his recording device on one day when he had visited Jenny's mum and everything had been recorded, the conversations and the sex! The shame on him, he was in fact a dad to two young children and hadn't longed been married. All ruined because he couldn't keep his penis in his trousers.

During this time we had also finished school, I had tried to finish my exams the best I could, however, at the time of sitting them they were not my priority. Adam was extremely supportive of me, he boosted my morale and made me realised that I was able to do them and I had to have faith in myself. Even though I found it extremely hard when Becki and Jenny would snigger behind my back at me constantly, and they purposely sat behind me and aside of me in the exam hall, they were trying to do everything they could to make me wobble and fail, but I stayed strong.

We would find out the results in four weeks time.
Jenny also took her exams the same time we did and looked pleasantly pleased when she had left the building, she was always so brainy in many subjects, although being able to tell the truth was obviously not one of her strongest points! She would wait for Becki, Poppy and Belle outside the exam hall and most of the time they would still be waiting when I had finished. Adam had noticed what they were trying to do, so he always made sure he would hang around for me to finish, and then we would walk home together. He was like my bodyguard, he was my best friend and I felt safe when I was with him.

Adam was spending his summer at cricket camp where he was being watched by a 'scout', he had improved massively especially with his bowling, and he showed great potential to go far in the cricketing world. His life had turned around, his dad was now out of jail, and he seemed happier, Tommy was behind bars, and he could now focus on his future. I think in prison he also had to take anger management courses, so he had told Adam previously in one of their letters.

Becki had however sided with Jenny, the once caring and kind friend I had was now treating me like the enemy. I always knew she was easily led, but it broke my heart to see her act so differently, she was also starting to rebel at home and her sister Bryony have said she was now ''horrible to be around".
Jenny and Becki would often spend time sat on the wall by the chicken factory, they were spending a lot of their time with two girls called Poppy and Belle who had always been so vile at school and were known to be the 'bullies'. Girls that in the past, Becki would have crossed the road to try and avoid!
Used Alcohol bottles and discarded cigarette butts were often thrown on the floor, their language was appalling, and they were very intimidating, a lot of people avoided walking past the wall due to their unmanageable behaviours.

Becki had also started spending a lot of time in Jenny's house, you would often hear the music blaring out the windows at all hours, especially more so at nighttime.
They were still acting extremely awful to me, they hated me, and they were making that known. I wished back to when they had gone away with their families for their holidays and wished now they would do that all over again, at least that way I could carry on as normal without being bullied.

Amy had previously said I had to start standing my groud, and although I knew I needed to grow a back-bone, I was also scared of what that could lead to. These girls were vile, they didn't care who they hurt, and they certainly were not shy when it came to fighting!

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