Chapter Six

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It was a Saturday morning and mum had decided to take me prom dress shopping in our local town. My leavers' prom was slowly creeping upon us, and most of the other girls in my year had already brought their dresses and accessories and had planned to have their hair and make up done by professionals. Seeing as not much happened around our village and local town, this was a big event and the parents would get involved, and it normally ended up as a competition of who could spend more on their child. We didn't have that option even if we wanted too as money was still very tight, and we certainly wouldn't spend our money that we didn't have, we couldn't have justified that. Amy had decided to tag along with us, Tara had a family event too attend to, which had left Amy at a loose end. Even though she made it a chore to help me, she was secretly enjoying it. We walked into one dress shop called 'Elegant styles' that had been recommended to me from Becki, the dresses were stunning and there was a wide range of styles, deigns and colours, the dresses were fit for a princess but unfortunately looking at the price tags they were completely out of our price range. Mum looked disappointed with a hint of guilt, she had tried so hard to save money alongside me, but it just wasn't enough. We left that shop and I pointed to the charity shop across the road, we started walking towards it when we noticed a familiar voice, Amy turned around first as the lady was talking very loud and being rude. To our surprise, Jenny's mum was walking closely behind us, dressed in a blue short dress with black high heels, her hair tightly wrapped up in a bun holding her phone to her ear. She was carrying shopping bags and amongst them, I noticed one brand 'Ann Summers'. She didn't recognise us as she rudely barged pasted people to get in front of them.
We walked into the charity shop and instantly breathed a sign of relief, the price tags were more in our range and the ladies on the front desk were extremely grateful that we had entered their shop. They offered mum a cup of tea and then took me towards the back of the shop where donated prom dresses were displayed on a rack. They were beautiful dresses, and although they were different styles and sizes, you could have them altered by a seamstress. I chose the dress that I loved and handed over the money.
Mum was pottering around the shop, they had some great little collectables on the shelves, that mum couldn't resist buying some bits to display on our units at home.

Suddenly, my phone flashed, and I saw Jenny's name appear in the text message section. I quickly made an excuse that I needed to sit down, I hadn't received a message from Jenny in months, so I knew I needed to read and reply straight away. "Are you around? Need to talk?" I quickly tapped back, "Out shopping, can meet you later?" I waited for a response to the annoyance of Amy and mum who at this time had finished shopping and now wanted to go for a coffee and cake, I had decided not to tell them who was messaging me, my phone beeped again, "OK, park at 8.30pm?" she responded. "Can't wait to see you ♥️" I excitedly replied.
I looked at my watch, and it was 1:30pm, mum had decided to treat us to lunch at Weatherspoons as we had some money left from the prom dress shopping, and we had managed to repay all our bills and our bank balances were starting to look healthy. Mum did ask who I had messaged when Amy had disappeared off to the toilets, but I quickly blurted out Becki, you see, I didn't want to lie but if Jenny was going to open up to me, I didn't need my mum lurking in the shadows.

We got home and mum had messaged Eve to come around and help with my prom dress, she was very good at sewing, and we were hoping to save on costs and that she would help us. The dress was currently a size 20 and touched the floor, and I was a size 14 and short. Eve replied saying of course she could help, but she needed me there to measure me, I looked at my watch it was now 6:20pm, I agreed as I had plenty of time before I was meeting Jenny. Eve came at 6.50pm, and before we knew it, her and mum were in the kitchen drinking milky tea and chatting. I looked at my watch and tutted, it was now 7.30pm, and she hadn't started measuring me yet. My annoyance was known and Eve put her mug down on the side, she asked mum for a piece of paper and a pen and then told me to stand straight and not stick my bum out! She muttered to herself as she started to measure around my arms, legs and tummy. After a short time, she was happy with my measurements and pinned the piece of paper onto my dress.

It was now 8.10pm and with mum playing detective I had to be super careful, I waited for her to go into the bathroom and Eve back in to the kitchen before quickly putting on my coat and rushed out the front door ensuring I was quiet. I had however told Adam what I was doing as I needed someone to know my whereabouts, and with Adam knowing it instantly made me feel safer. I approached the park and sat on the swing, I got my phone out of my pocket and messaged Adam "I'm here, will call you if needed", he quickly responded with "be safe, hear from you soon", I then put my phone back in my pocket as I didn't want Jenny to see me and think I was messaging someone about her. I checked my watch, 8.40pm. In a strange, frightening and eerily way the park seemed scary, I had been here so many times late at night but never on my own, I heard lots of noises and lots of rustling and I felt a presence like someone was watching me, I decided to get my phone back out, it was now 9.20pm, I had no messages from Jenny, so I decided to stand up, but as I did, I heard footsteps retreating hastily not far away from where I was stood. I WAS being watched! I quickly tapped out the message "please come quickly" and waited for what felt like a lifetime before I saw Adam's familiar face running towards me.
I explained what had happened, and he said he had seen a man 'running' away from the direction of the park when he was coming to get me. A man who could that be?

We made our way back to my house, my body felt weak, I was in shock, someone had been watching me, a lone girl in the park by herself late at night. What if Adam hadn't come? Did I startle him because I stood up? What would have happened? And where was Jenny? I had all these questions racing around my head, but I knew I would struggle to find the answer! As we approached our street the streetlights had turned on and Adam was able to identify the man that he had passed running away from the park and to our amazement he was running straight into Jenny's house. He looked over his shoulder several times before entering, but the dark skies had hid his features, and we couldn't describe what he looked liked.
I walked into my house and found Jenny's number on my contacts and pressed the call button, the number dialled straight out and in place of the usual ringing sound it was a dull long tone, her phone had been disconnected.

Eve had now left our house and mum was sat in her little armchair when I returned home, I had never seen her home so much, but I was really starting to enjoy her company. I was aware she was trying to gather evidence from me, but the conversations felt normal again and our house seemed a little happier. Mum had already recorded that a strange man was coming and going from Jenny's house, and when she asked where I had been, I couldn't help but be honest with her. Mum seemed to think that someone in that household had seen mine and Jenny's messages from earlier about meeting, and they were either coming to warn me off or to make sure Jenny was not telling secrets about what was happening behind closed doors. Mum was just glad that I had told Adam, and he came straight away when I needed him.
This situation now seemed dangerous and scary, and I was terrified for Jenny and her family, the not knowing the truth was starting to eat away at us.

As well as being worried sick we had to try and carry on with our lifes the best we could, so myself, Becki and Adam decided to go to the prom together, we had hardly any money between us for transport, so we decided because the venue was only around the corner we would walk there. For the first time in a while we felt like Princesses and Princes, for once in my life I felt like the night belonged to me and my friends.
The dress I had previously brought in the charity shop was a lovely Emerald colour, it had beautiful sequins around the neckline and it flowed elegantly over my body and I felt like a million dollars. Eve had done an amazing job at making the amendments, and I was super happy to be wearing a dress that I had been able to afford.
As we arrived at the venue the atmosphere was immense, everyone was happy and laughing, the conversations were flowing and cameras were clicking as we all posed. I did notice out the corner of my eye that my dad was stood in the crowd alongside Julie and was also taking photos of me on his phone. He smiled from ear to ear as if he was a proud dad, and at that moment I actually felt honoured he had made the effort to come. We ate from the buffet table, danced all night to our favourite songs and all gathered around the dance floor at the end of the night when they announced Prom Queen and Prom King - Becki and Adam. The room erupted in a massive cheer.

A girl from our year group called Erin was throwing a big after prom party in her dad's field and had invited the whole year group back, even the teachers. We all walked from the venue to the location as it was only a stone's throw away, Erin's dad was luckily very laid back and had brought lots of alcohol, glow-sticks, photo props and had even paid the local DJ to perform a few sets. The party was in a marquee away from their house, and we partied all night long. It was exhilarating!

We now had only one term left at school!

A Mother's Word Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang