chapter one - first impressions

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"It'll be good" your dad says in a huff, displeased with your attitude. "A change of scenery always helps hm? now you know what also needs help? me, come help bring in boxes" your father walks out of the kitchen and back out to the car to continue to unload boxes.

I've been living in New Jersey until now, when dad decided to take a job all the way across America to Denver, Colorado. I had been miserable enough when I heard he was going, but little did I know he was going to take me with him. I hardly had time to pack my things let alone say goodbye to my friends but now I'm in Denver and have no clue what to do here.

I walk outside to see my dad about to fall over carrying three boxes stacked on top of each other, I quickly run over to him and take two boxes off of his hands.

"Wow. Didn't know a sudden change of scenery would turn me into royalty, whats gotten into you am I dreaming? are you being nice to your good ol' dad now?" he joked, I roll my eyes and walk inside, abandoning the boxes in the kitchen as I walk upstairs to my new room.

"This is going to be fucking horrible." I sigh as I open up the curtains to let some light in, despite it being 7 in the morning the dim light lit up my room just enough so I didn't blind myself and start to sizzle like a vampire. My view from my window was directly onto another persons window which was irritating. I look closer and there is a giant enter the dragon poster on this strangers wall, I have to give it to them enter the dragon was a pretty solid movie even if my mom wouldn't let me watch it so I secretly watched it with just my dad instead. Their room is pretty boring other then that, completely ignoring the countless punch holes in the wall.


After around three hours I get bored of my shitty attempt to try and decorate my room so I chuck the roll of posters down onto my bed and walk back out.

"Dad! Im gonna go explore is that okay?" I yell trying to find him. As I walk around the corner I bump right into him and the contents of a box completely spills out.

"Ah fuck. Yeah sure go explore kiddo." He says as he starts to pick everything up off the floor.

"Thanks." I gave him a half-assed smile and walk out the front door.

Its 10 in the morning now so kids are out in the streets playing, you hear a big kaboom and look up and see a little solider flying in the air on a parachute. This gave you hope that maybe Denver wasn't that miserable after all.

I continued to walk down the street as I make it to a crowded corner store, having a 5 dollar note on me I walk in looking to get a snack. I walk down the chip isle and to where the slushies were. I grab a cup and pull the lever for the cherry slushie, I wait for it to pour as I hear a loud bang and shouting. I look over and see a long haired blonde shouting at a little kid. I watch in disgust at this wannabe Ozzy Osbourne yells at the poor little kid.

"Dont fucking bump into my game you hear me! I was about to beat my high score you fucker!" He yelled holding the boy by the collar of his shirt, I wont lie his voice was attractive but his actions were quite the opposite.

"Leave him alone man what the fuck?" I say drinking my cherry slushie from the bright pink straw. He looks over at me and drops the boy onto the hard vinyl floor. He walks over and is about one foot away from me, Im not phased because this wannabe cant do shit to me.

"What did you just say to me you little shit? Who the fuck even are you?" He said looking down at me.

"Im new here, but that doesn't matter. Why do you have to fight little kids? Are boys your age too big and scary for you? Have you not gone though puberty yet?" I say as the the whole store went silent, even the cashier is looking over at us.

"Do you know who the fuck I am?!" He yelled in my face as I wipe the spit off and take another sip of my slushie.

"No, nor do I care. I know enough about you already, that you're a dick and a pussy." I smile and see him clench his fist. "Oh wow. Are you about to hit a woman? This just proves what Ive said before. Don't worry buddy puberty will come sooner then you know it." I nudge him away from me so I can move and go to pay for my slushie, he doesn't say anything but I can feel his eyes practically burning through my skin.

I put the five dollar note onto the counter and wait for the cashier to get my change. As I wait I look behind me to see him giving me one hell of a death stare so I grimace at him. I grab my change, say thanks, and walk out everyones watching me but as I walk further away I hear the crowd start chatting again.

I sigh.

Nice one, you just made the worst fucking first impression ever.

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