What is it? - AkaTsuki

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Regressor - Akaashi

This just contains Akaashi explaining agere to Tsuki, I might make a part two to this of Akaashi slipping around him, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️

"I find it so annoying how they fight over the smallest things, they're constantly bickering, even on...." Tsukishima kept ranting about his team but Akaashi stopped paying attention after a while, too busy watching a group a kids who seemed to be out on a school trip walking by, laughing and having fun amongst themselves as they passed by. They all looked very happy, and it made Akaashi's heart drop. That was something he missed out on as a child. The happiness of childhood. All because of the constant pressure to be perfect from his entire family. The thought of that was the one thing in his mind as he kept watching the group until they were out of view. "Akaashi? Are you listening?" Kei asked, snapping Akaashi back to reality, and the fact his head was starting to feel fuzzy. This couldn't be happening now, not with Tsukishima, not out in public. "Hm? Sorry I, uh, I got distracted" the raven haired replied, looking towards the younger. "By a group of kids? Why would you get distracted by some kids? I though you said-" "I know, I'm not fond of kids. I just...got distracted..." Akaashi snapped slightly, giving Tsukishima a bit off a shock. Keiji was always a calm person, he wasn't too loud and he wasn't too big on sharing his opinions, but this was something Kei really loved about him. He was the opposite to almost all of the people he had to spend time with and had this really calming presence, one of the reasons for this being he wasn't loud. "Alright...are you okay? Did you want to head to your place, or?" The blonde asked, not really knowing what else to say as Akaashi moved to be holding his hand, looking at the ground. "Yeah, I'm fine, and I'm sorry for snapping at you like that, I'm just..a bit stressed out" Tsukishima hummed at this as he guided them to turn a corner, so the two of them were now walking in the direction of the older's house.

When they arrived, there wasn't anyone else home, but they decided to head straight to Akaashi's room incase someone did arrive at the house. The second Keiji opened his bedroom door and stepped foot into his room, he froze on the spot. He had left his little gear out. On his bed lay a colouring book and an open pack of coloured pencils, sat near to them were his two teddies, a blue and grey, average size owl and a black cat. On his desk sat one of his two pacifiers, along with a sippy cup he'd forgotten to wash and put away before going out. He looked back at Tsukishima who was looking around at the items with a slightly confused look on his face. When Tsukishima's eyes finally landed back on Akaashi his face softened slightly. "Is this your stuff?" The blonde asked, walking into the room and sitting down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Akaashi hesitates slightly before nodding, shutting the door and walking over to the bed, sitting down next to the younger. "Do you want to talk about this? You don't have to, I completely respect your privacy" Kei asked, making sure following sentence was clear.

Keiji stayed silent for a good minute, trying to figure out a way to explain to his boyfriend what all this was without sounding strange or weird. "I..I use this coping mechanism called age regression or little space. Basically my mind set shifts to that of a young child. This can happen if something triggers it or if I just feel like I need to relax. I guess...it might sound a bit strange..but...I just want to make it clear there's nothing weird or sexual about it, I just...use it as a way to cope and get back some pieces of childhood I missed out on..." the raven haired male explained, refraining from looking at his partner. Silence filled the room for a small amount of time, causing Akaashi to worry slightly, before the first year spoke up. "I'm sure I've heard about that somewhere...I'm completely okay with it, by the way, as long as it makes you happy and isn't hurting you I'm fine with it"

I don't really know how to end this as you can probably tell but yeah, maybe part two will happen who knows

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