Breakfast - DaiSugaIwaOi

841 11 2

Regressor - Sugawara
Caregivers - Daichi, Iwaizumi and Oikawa

Sugawara groaned as he woke up, feeling a hand on his side and hearing a soft laugh. He rubbed his eyes slightly before opening them, squinting slightly from the light in the room. "Morning Kō, feeling okay?" Oikawa asked as he moved his hand to brush some of Suga's hair out of his face. "Mhm, g'morin dada.." the silver haired murmured out in reply, making Oikawa smile. "Ready to get up angel? Bubba and Papa are making breakfast" Suga nodded, reaching for Oikawa who happily picked him up, carrying him downstairs to the kitchen. The little hid himself in the taller's embrace the best he could, resting his chin on the brunette's shoulder and playing with the back of his shirt, feeling a lot smaller than usual.

As soon as they walked into the kitchen, there was quite a bit of noise, a lot of different smells, and it was brighter than the hallway and bedroom. It was quite overwhelming for the little, who moved to hide his face in Oikawa's shoulder, whining quietly. "Oh, what's wrong honey?" Tōru asked, moving a hand up to stroke Kōshi's hair. Sugawara didn't give an answer, just whining again, this time catching the attention of Daichi and Iwaizumi. Hajime was quick to stop what he was doing and move to turn the lights down, hoping it would help. Luckily, it did so, only a little bit but it was better than nothing. "Is that any better, Kō?" he asked, getting a small hum from the mentally younger. "Good, let us know if we can do anything else to help" Iwa said in his calm, gentle voice he always uses when he was aware that Suga was little. "Am I alright to put you down, angel?" Oikawa asked, slightly surprised when he felt Kōshi nod. He pulled one of the chairs out and carefully sat the silver haired down, leaving a soft kiss on his forehead before he moved to help with breakfast.

Less than five minutes later, Daichi walked over with a plate for Sugawara, on it was cut up pancakes, the special kind Iwaizumi made for them, and fruit, along with a sippy cup of strawberry milk. Once these were placed on the table, Suga looked at them for no more than twenty seconds before whining and looking towards Daichi, making grabby hands at him. "What is it, angel?" The taller asked, pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down. "Bubba.." Kōshi whines, kicking his feet at nothing and shaking his hands. "Okay, we're feeling very small, huh? You want Bubba to help?" Daichi got a nod in response to this as Iwaizumi set down a plate in front of him. He gave Hajime a smile before turning back to Sugawara.

The four of them sat and ate, Daichi somehow managing to feed himself and Suga at the same time, as the silver haired baby talked to them quietly, his three caregivers happily humming or giving short answers to his incoherent babbles until they had all finished with their food. It was decided that dishes could wait and that right now was time for the four out then to spend together, on the floor playing with whatever it was Sugawara wanted and just caring for each other. This was time they all enjoyed, and their jobs definitely made it hard for them to spend moments like this, Sugawara being a little as he was, all of them happy and no one needing to rush off at a certain time, together. The days they all had off work were precious, and they all cherished and loved them more than they'd like to admit.

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